Gentlemen, in the common interest of chivalry, I say that we should all see 
this movie numerous times, and bear the burden of her embarassment...

ravenadal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:          My 15 year-old daughter is taking 
an honors level course 
called "British Authors" this semester and her "British Authors" 
class, which read Beowulf this semester, are taking a field trip to 
see the movie at one of the suburban movie palaces showing the movie 
in 3-D. Eye, one the other hand, will probably not see it til it 
gets to the Budget theater (where I get most of my cinema in my old 

That said, any movie where Angelina Jolie says she was "embarrassed" 
to see herself naked? I am SO there!


--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Anyone plan to see "Beowulf"? I'm intrigued by the story, but 
frankly a little leery of the visual technology Zemeckis is using. 
The so-called "Polar Express" look, layering CGI-like effects over 
real life capture images, simply looks a little--creepy to me. One 
problem I have with so much standard CGI movies like "Final Fantasy" 
or any of the myriad kid flicks, is that the humans often don't look 
real. They're stiff, facial and body muscles not smoothly or 
realistically drawn. The technology's getting better, true, but right 
now some of the characters look like walking corpses. Some of the 
scenes I've seen from "Beowulf" are no different. Though better 
looking than "Polar Express", the characters still look stiff and 
dead to me. 
> Wonder why they didn't go with live action and then special effects 
like LOTR, or a live action/animation/CGI mix like "Sin City" 
and "300"?
> And i gotta admit, everytime I see the title character yell "I--am--
Beowulf!" I keep thinking of Leonidas' "This--is--Sparta!" and i 
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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