Be glad you missed the ³Thomas² phase. My son¹s the same age. ³Thomas² type
kids are obsessive collectors,  and my  son is one. We missed Barney
completely.  We did ³Thomas², ³Cars², and ³Static Shock². Well, we¹re still
doing ³Static Shock²,  actually. (Because dad is not having a ³Superman²
phase without at  least a Green Lantern or SOME brother in the mix) I¹m so
mad they canceled that  show I don¹t know what to do. I only have it on VHS.

As for ³Lazy Town²...God bless you. That show is entirely too damn loud. We
bought those Nick Jr DVDs (they run like 6 hours!) so that  he isn¹t exposed
to the commercials between the shows and Lazy Town is on it.  As much as I
wanna support the show because of Pixel...that show is just no go. ³Dora²
also yells throughout her whole show, but at  least I can tolerate the

On 12/26/07 2:43 PM, "Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)"

> I know it is inevitable.  I just survived Barney and Lazy Town.  Don't
> you remember just a few short days ago, I told you we had to watch the
> Grinch five times a day and then listen to the soundtrack a few dozen
> times or how we have to watch Cars, draw Cars, color Cars, build cars,
> be Cars (by poor husband is often Mater)  and play with Cars around the
> clock.  but you can't blame me for doing whatever it took to avert the
> alvin and the chipmunks tragedy!
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] <>  wrote:
>> > Give it up, Tracey. Every parent is curse by one phenom of the times that
>> he/she finds execrable, but which the kids love with a non-stop mania. It
>> could be that purple dinosaur singing, non-stop, or those strange Teletubbies
>> with their chirping noises and curious drug-induced-seeming plots. Or it
>> might even be a halfway decent show that, after the thousandth viewing,
>> simply makes you want to pull your eyes out. I remember many parents
>> complaining that if they heard Barney's "I love you, you love me..." one more
>> time they'd go bonkers!
>> >
>> > In the old days parents just self-medicated while their kids zoned out on
>> the stuff... not an option i know!  :)
>> >
>> > -------------- Original message --------------
>> > From: "Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)"
>> <> >
>> >
>> >   
>>> >> James: 
>>> >>
>>> >> You have me living in fear of how long I can keep my daughter away from
>>> >> commercial kids shows (we are still on PBS, Disney Pre-School, Noggin
>>> >> and Nick Jr) or the influence of other kids who will be advocating for
>>> >> "Alfin and his ilk. Be strong...
>>> >>
>>> >> [EMAIL PROTECTED] <>  wrote:
>>> >>     
>>>> >>> -------------- Original message --------------
>>>> >>> From: "James Landrith"
>>>> >>> How was it? Not very good. At its core, the movie suffered from a plot
>>>> >>> that involved talking and singing chipmunks.
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> For some reason, my son enjoyed it. This same kid loved TMNT, Iron
>>>> Giant, 
>>>> >>> Incredibles, Robots and Madagascar.
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> Someone explain to me why he liked this
>>>> Movie-That-Didn't-Need-To-Be-Made?
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> I'm guessing it was the barrage of advertising on Cartoon Network,
>>>> Nick, 
>>>> >>> Radio Disney, etc.
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <>
>>>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <> ]
>>>> >>> Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2007 12:47 PM
>>>> >>> To: <>
>>>> >>> Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] "National Treasure 2" Rules Box Office - :(
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> lo siento!
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> how was it? There's plenty of kids' fare that's tolerable. Some of it's
>>>> >>> quite good. "The Iron Giant" and "The Incredibles" come to mind. Even
>>>> >>> "Robots" or "Madagascar" are okay for adults to sit through once. But
>>>> Alvin 
>>>> >>> just seemed horrible to me from the trailers...
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> -------------- Original message --------------
>>>> >>> From: "James Landrith" > > >
>>>> >>> No, I got sucked into Alvin and the Chipmunks by a 10 year old.
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> The entertainment sacrifices we make for our children.
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <>
>>>> >>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <>
>>>> >>> Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2007 11:01 AM
>>>> >>> To: <>
>>>> >>> Subject: [scifinoir2] "National Treasure 2" Rules Box Office - :(
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> I really hope none of you fine people contributed any ducats to making
>>>> >>> "National Treasure 2" the number one movie over the Christmas weekend.
>>>> >>> tried to watch the first movie a couple of years ago, on a Sunday
>>>> night, as 
>>>> >>> background noise while I cleaned up. I turned it off with 45 minutes to
>>>> go. 
>>>> >>> Silly concepts, preposterous occurrences, autopilot acting by Cage and
>>>> >>> Voight ("just show me the money!!"). Not fun or clever or engaging at
>>>> all. 
>>>> >>> Despite what some think of me, i'm not a movie snob, don't have a thing
>>>> >>> against low brow humour (saw "Knocked Up" recently and loved it) or
>>>> mindless 
>>>> >>> action flicks. I"m the guy who will watch "The Warriors" every single
>>>> time 
>>>> >>> it airs (much to my wife's consternation!) And "Face Off"? Pure
>>>> cinematic 
>>>> >>> pleasure of adrenalin, over-the-top acting, and things that go "boom!".
>>>> Love 
>>>> >>> that flick.
>>>> >>> But National Treasure sucked, and I hear the sequel is even dumber in
>>>> plot. 
>>>> >>> Mount Rushmore built just to hide a city of gold. A secret book passed
>>>> down 
>>>> >>> from one President to another that details, among other things, the
>>>> truth of 
>>>> >>> what's kept in Area 51? Brotherrr!
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> Please tell me none of you watched it?
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
>>>> >>>
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>>>> >>>
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>>>> >>>
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