
Most biracial people with African blood are seen as Black -
particularly those who look Black, say they are Black and are
considered prominent members of the Black community.  Obama and his
family are seen as Black.  The talking heads in the media often refer
to him as Black.  The conservatives portray him as a Black with muslim

Hilary comes from a connected family, she is worth millions, has a
history, ironically of top ties with the republican party starting
with Barry Goldwater, and for the last 20 years or so, she has been
apart of the elite of the democratic party.  The woman is on the board
of Walmart. She is considered American Aristocracy.  She is a chairs
and serves on several powerful committees in the Senate and  I do not
thing she exactly fit the profile of a woman excluded from the boardroom

I have spent the past 15 years working with, reporting and training
people on issues of race in the workplace and I have to tell you the
male/female thing is not as black and white when it comes to Black men
- even biracial men.  While women consistent get paid less than men,
Black men get paid less than White men.  a Black man with a
traditional name is less likely to even get a job interview than a
white female.  Black men (even biracial men) have higher incidents of
discrimination in the workplace than White women.

There are other factors at work that you either overlooked or were not
aware of.    While a Black male who has climbed the corporate ladder
playing the game is more likely to fit in the board room than a White
woman, a Black woman is more likely to get a job than a Black man.
Black men are more likely to get laid off than White women as well.
Many educators start feeling threatened by Black males - even biracial
Black males that look Black starting at age eight.  This continues
into adulthood.  These are not my assumptions, but facts that have
been proved time and again with data.  Black men (Black looking
biracial men included)in New York and many American cities still can
not get a cab and people will cross the street when they see one
coming.  Black men (Black looking biracial men included)are also still
experiencing racial profiling on the road.

Despite a history of supporting women in elections, more women voted
for Obama and Edwards than Hilary.  More young people prefer them, and
more union people prefer them.  Most people want the war to end and
she not only refuses to admit that her war decisions were wrong, she
is very hawkish on Iran and Iraq.  Since her healthcare initiative of
the early nineties, She has been a polarizing force in the democratic
party - despite her many right wing stances of late.  In polling, very
few independents or republicans have indicated that they would vote
for her.  Last night, she got very few votes from independents, while
Obama received 20% votes from independents and I think Edwards got
more than 10% independent votes.  Because of her marriage to bill and
her current power in the senate, there is also the perception that she
is part of the status quo during a time when Americans of both parties
have indicated that they want significant change.  No status quo
person of either party or any gender did well last night.

I stopped liking Hilary a few years ago when she decided to become a
baby Republican with her voting.   I understood why, but those
decisions made it impossible to support her.   Knowing her Republican
roots, I was terrified of the prospect of her winning.  So, while I
wanted Edwards to win, I was OK with Obama's win.  If you are a Hilary
supporter, you can not be happy with the outcome of yesterday's
primary.  While it may be comforting to tell yourself that she lost
because she is a woman, in my view that is a simplistic notion that
flies in the face of a lot of other significant factors - and does not
necessarily erasing the existence of these other factors.   
> A black man won over a white woman in Mass. A black man will still
get a job 
> over a competent white woman or black woman.  I think that with the
win of a 
> black man it will be harder for blacks "especially black men " to
play the 
> victim. The old boys club does admit black men these days. It is
still harder for 
> a woman white or black to get ahead.  
> **************Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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