My expectations were not high, particularly after the Bionic Woman 
reboot disaster.  However, I was pleasantly surprised.  It was at least 
good enough to get my scifi fix.  I thought the casting was good.  They 
acting was not bad.  The script was not ridiculous.  They even threw in 
a few smart remarks reminiscent of Arnold's, "talk to the hand."  I know 
the actress playing Sarah is no Linda Hamilton, but that was never going 
to happen.  I remember Linda having the arms of  female body builder and 
at the time.  Maybe the producers did not see that working for the 
series.  Anyway, the casting of Sarah Connor, was definitely better than 
the casting of Jamie Summers. She has a weariness about her that plays 
well Picking Summer Glau to Replace Arnold was smart.  He can't be 
replaced, so throw the audience a wisp of a girl who looks so innocent 
as Summer.    I will definitely return, but here is how they might loose 
me and possibly other viewers.  I have little patience for the fugitive 
storyline in series.  By its very nature the story becomes formulaic.  
They come after us---->  We run---->  They almost catch us----->  We 
barely get away---->  We live to run another day.

In a movie it can be exciting.  In a series it can become extremely 
tedious.  If you look at Prison Break, critics first touted it as being 
groundbreaking.  Now they are calling it ridiculous. 

I'll be back...   I just don't know for how long

maidmarian_thepoet wrote:
> Glad that you identified the actress as Summer Glau.  I kept thinking
> that I knew her.  And, of course I do--from Serenity.  Glad that she
> stayed in the business.  Wasn't she a dancer before?  
> The show was ok.  I was in and out of the room.  Even with that, I
> kept up with the story.  I prefer dramas that confuse me if I didn't
> sit down and watch.  But it was an ok show to skim while I waited for
> "The Wire".
> --- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> What do you think? It didn't really give me enough to love or hate
> it. I like all the characters. Summer Glau, who looks so young, makes
> a good contrast as the killing machine. 
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