Truth is, this would not have happened when we were 500+  members, with 
about 80 active voices and 100 semi-regular voices.  The volume was 
unwieldy.  When yahoo took us out, that changed everything.  At first, I 
planned on rebuilding, but moving out of the states, becoming a mom, and 
getting critically ill changed my priorities.    I really could not 
moderate, nor did I want to. so, I just let you guys moderate 
yourselves, and let you know that I was there if things got out of 
control.    But, I trusted you.  I began to use your emails as a way to 
deal with homesickness and sometimes distract me from the pain during 
the worst of my illness.   

So you guys made it what it is.  I just let it go where you wanted to 
take it

Now, the  "tete a' tete" with Gymfig.

After years of not-being moderator, and coping with almost a decade of 
censorship, but being really hurt by her remarks, and the fear that they 
were hurting and offending others, I did not know how to handle the 
situation  Gymfig is our sister - an important member of the family.  
She has been around since the very beginning (2000). I started off 
trying to wear the moderator hat, but it must have been windy that day, 
because the hat  flew very away.  (VERY CORNY - sorry)

I've been rather embarrassed about the election conversation and my 
behavior with her during my other exchange with her in November.  We are 
both two hotheads  :)  Anyway, thanks  for letting me feel a little 
better about my display of madness.  :)

The non-moderator

Reece Jennings wrote:
> Tracey, moderators wield a lot more influence than we sometimes believe.  I
> belong to a police group where
> debate is squashed if it leads off of police topics.  It got so bad that a
> splinter group was formed just FOR
> off-topic stuff, fun stuff, support stuff, etc.  The good thing is that the
> splinter group allows some graphics and
> reasonable file downloads.  I like that we don't because no viruses get
> passed...
> I don't know about everybody else, but I used to think twice, and sometimes
> agonize about posting non-skiffy
> (I learned a new word!) subjects.  But as we got to know you, and you us, it
> became easier.  I think we also
> do a good job of monitoring ourselves so we don't get silly (especially me!)
> with what we discuss.
> I was especially impressed with your tete a' tete with Amy.  You could have
> EASILY played the Queen Moderator
> card and cut off discussion.  But you were surely above that, and I enjoyed
> seeing that side of you!  :o)
> Trayyyyy-CEEEEEEE! 
>  Maurice Jennings
> Have you or someone you know been threatened with foreclosure?
> KEEP your home and  Stop Foreclosure in its Tracks!
> Get a Free, No Obligation Evaluation =>
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)
> Sent: Monday, January 14, 2008 10:56 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Twins separated at birth met and married
> Thanks guys.  I was just thinking scifinoir was no longer a scifi list, but
> a life sharing list.  I can not take credit for nurturing it, but I am glad
> it happened.  I think you should be applauding yourselves. 
> Martin wrote:
>> Three cheers for Tracey!
>> Hip-hip HOORAY!
>> Hip-hip HOORAY!
>> Hip-hip HOORAY!
>> Reece Jennings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> God bless you, Martin.  I think we do that for each other.  You know, I
>>  played football on a
>>  team in Newark, NJ after I got out of the Air Force.  I was primarily 
>> a  defensive safety, and  we were one tough team!  And you know where 
>> our strength came from?  Each  other.
>>  See, when we huddled before each play, we held hands.  So much 
>> strength and  support flowed  between us...
>>  That's what I feel here, with all of us. 
>>  I think it's pretty cool that we started with a shared passion, and 
>> that has  grown into what we have,  with the passion still our glue, 
>> of course.
>>  And kudos to Mama Tracey for nurturing our deviations from the main 
>> subject,  and allowing us to  become so close...
>>   Maurice Jennings
>>  Have you or someone you know been threatened with foreclosure?
>>  KEEP your home and  Stop Foreclosure in its Tracks!
>>  Get a Free, No Obligation Evaluation => 
>>  <>
>>  _____
>>  From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>> On  Behalf Of Martin
>>  Sent: Monday, January 14, 2008 1:55 PM
>>  To:
>>  Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Twins separated at birth met and married
>>  Reece, your words give me joy every day, and I'm in sore need of it 
>> these  days. I'm beginning to look at you as a role model.
>>  Reece Jennings <mcjennings124@ <> 
>>  wrote: Sigh...I know. I tend to attempt to lighten up potentially  
>> painful/heavy  subjects  with sick humor...a gift I developed during 
>> my cop days...LOL!
>>  And Martin, I know I don't have to say this to you, but I'm sure you 
>> know my  twisted humor is in NO way meant to take anything away from 
>> the very  human and touching parts of your life. In fact, they hit home
> for me...
>>  I have a son who was born April 15, 1968. I was preparing to head to 
>> the  Philippines.
>>  He was born David William Jennings. At 8 months, he was adopted, and 
>> his  name  was changed. I won't put it here. You never know...well, 
>> until 1998, I had  no idea  what his adopted name was, or anything 
>> about him. Then I stumbled across  his mother.
>>  We had a brief connection in 1967 (what a choice of word!) that lead 
>> to her  pregnancy.
>>  I did a search of his name on the fledgling internet, and 2 names popped
> up.
>>  A VERY unique
>>  first and last name helped, so I called the Junior name. My son 
>> answered,  and I gently probed  until I found out he had no idea that 
>> I existed. So...I dropped the  'F'-bomb (FATHER) on him.
>>  "I am your biological father." I gave him information about me. He, 
>> of  course, was blown out.
>>  He said he couldn't talk right then. About 5 hours later I received a 
>> phone  call from a very blunt,  intense woman. She grilled me about 
>> his mother, our meeting, where the mom  was from...during the  
>> conversation...I mean interrogation...I figured that she was his wife. 
>> It  wasn't like she didn't give me clues...
>>  "What are you to my husband?" was a big one! After about 30 minutes, 
>> I  guess she saw that I wasn't the  least bit defensive, I answered 
>> every painful question she had. So she  handed the phone to my son.
>>  We talked, shared information, laughed, and marveled at how parallel 
>> our  lives were. That is the ONLY  conversation we have ever had. It 
>> was summer 1998. I have sent him letters  and pictures, and he has  
>> responded with the same. It turns out that the lady was his wife, and 
>> she  is from Spain. He sent me a  wonderful picture of him in his 1st 
>> Calvary army officer dress blues with  her. I also saw his helicopter 
>> on  the internet when he was flying in Iraq. An unmanned drone was 
>> above his  chopper when he flew in to  take a bead on a truck carrying 
>> a mortar crew that had just shelled their  headquarters. I heard him 
>> say  on the radio, "Do you want me to Whack this guy?". I was freaked 
>> for a  second. Then I realized he was  doing and saying exactly the 
>> same things I would have said and done!
>>  Well, we've been in touch by email over the past 9 years. I didn't 
>> find out  that his adoptive dad had died of  cancer until a year after 
>> it happened...about 3 years ago now. I used to  call his dad to find 
>> out about him.
>>  I was grateful to find that he had fine adoptive parents, because all 
>> sons  want their mothers, but NEED their  fathers to become complete 
>> men. And my son, with all of the hurt he must be  holding inside, is 
>> indeed a good,  complete man. He's an instructor helicopter pilot, 17 
>> years in the army.
>>  He has 2 adopted daughters and a wife  he says he could not have made 
>> it without.
>>  If I could change things, I would have raised him. Long story 
>> again...I'm  glad for email, and that we have what we  have.
>>  Maurice Jennings
>>  Have you or someone you know been threatened with foreclosure?
>>  KEEP your home and Stop Foreclosure in its Tracks!
>>  Get a Free, No Obligation Evaluation => http://www.legacyho  
>> <>  <http://www.legacyho 
>> <>>
>>  _____
>>  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <> 
>>  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>> <>]  On  Behalf Of 
>> Astromancer
>>  Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2008 11:24 AM
>>  Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Twins separated at birth met and married
>>  LMAO...You, sir, are a sick individual...
>>  Reece Jennings <mcjennings124@ <> 
>>  wrote: 80!!! Man, talk about a Blues subject...!!!
>>  'I married Linda Sue from Toledo
>>  We was happy until our son was born with two heads.
>>  Now he's a singer, too...Alto and bass!'
>>  I got the two-headed blues...
>>  Maurice Jennings
>>  Have you or someone you know been threatened with foreclosure?
>>  KEEP your home and Stop Foreclosure in its Tracks!
>>  Get a Free, No Obligation Evaluation => http://www.legacyho  
>> <http://www.legacyho <>>  
>>  <http://www.legacyho <http://www.legacyho 
>> <>
>>  _____
>>  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <> 
>>  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>> <>]  On  Behalf Of Martin
>>  Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2008 8:01 AM
>>  Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Twins separated at birth met and married
>>  When I first saw this story, my thoughts immediately went to Howling 
>> Wolf,  the legendary blues singer. Years after his death, two people 
>> in- Toledo, I  believe it was- met, fell in love and planned to marry. 
>> They got the  necessary blood tests well ahead of time, which told 
>> them that they were  half-sister and -brother, through Wolf. Seems 
>> that he, like many old-time  musicians, liked to spread the love 
>> around, and he had nine children by nine  different women in Toledo 
>> alone. Those kids began a search for more  siblings, and came up with, at
> present, 80 total siblings.
>>  "Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]  
>> <>> wrote: 
>> Fri  Jan 11, 2008 3:50pm EST
>>  LONDON (Reuters) - A couple discovered after they had married that 
>> they  were twins who had been split up at birth and adopted by 
>> separate  families, according to a member of Britain's House of Lords.
>>  British peer David Alton recounted the story to parliament last month 
>> to  support his argument that artificially conceived children should 
>> be told  who their biological parents are.
>>  Alton said he had heard the story of the separated twins from a High  
>> Court judge who had dealt with the case.
>>  "This did not involve in vitro fertilization: It involved the normal  
>> birth of twins who were separated at birth and adopted by separate  
>> parents," said Alton, an independent member of the Lords. "They were  
>> never told that they were twins."
>>  "They met later in life and felt an inevitable attraction, and the 
>> judge  had to deal with the consequences of the marriage that they 
>> entered into  and all the issues of their separation," he said.
>>  "I suspect that it will be a matter of litigation in the future if we 
>> do  not make information of this kind available to children who have 
>> been  donor-conceived," he said.
>>  Alton could not immediately be reached for comment and no further  
>> information was available about the twins or where they were from.
>>  "I think it's a very tragic story for the people involved," said Pam  
>> Hodgkins, head of a group that helps adults affected by adoption.
>>  "It is a lesson that we need to learn and apply to the situation of  
>> donor-conceived children," she told Sky News.
>>  "Whilst ... nowadays it would be most unusual for siblings to be  
>> separated ... the risk of secrecy affecting the lives of people born 
>> as  a result of egg and sperm donation is exactly the same as the 
>> risks that  have affected adopted people in the past," she said.
>>  (Reporting by Adrian Croft; Editing by Stephen Addison)  
>> http://www.reuters.
>>  <http://www.reuters.
>>  <http://www.reuters.
>>  <>
>>  com/article/newsOne/idUSEIC17037920080111>
>>  com/article/newsOne/idUSEIC17037920080111>
>>  com/article/newsOne/idUSEIC17037920080111
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