that's good to know. i unfortunately can argue and debate for hours, literally, 
if really passionate about something. My wife and I are admittedly both a bit 
sensitive and stubborn, so we can go for a while. I long ago learned to figure 
out when it's time to just leave the discussion for a while in order to go 
somewhere and cool down, then come back and talk. If she's being recalcitrant 
or even hurtful, I have to make an effort to remind myself she's not 
intentionally hurting me, and once i can remember that, i can discuss things 
more rationally. Same with her.

I have a really bad temper, which i'm sure is genetically inherited from my 
birth mom, so I have to be sure not to take stuff personally too quickly.  
Combine that with my love for talking and my desire to understand all sides of 
an issue, and whoo boy!  Back when i was home for my mother's funeral, my older 
brother jumped me about a comment I made about Mom that he felt was 
disrespectful. That led to all kinds of stuff being aired in a five hour 
discussion from 1 am to sunrise. At the end, he was amazed that I was still 
able to discuss and debate with vigor, though dead on my feet.

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: "Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
We fight now and then. Its rarely serious. It happens with two people 
who both are right :). One of the reasons I married him, is he does 
not like prolonged battles nor misunderstandings. I'm the same way, I 

When I came home, we talked and made up. We are cool. thanks for 
asking :)

> thanks, that helps a great bit.
> Yout two cool now?
> -------------- Original message -------------- 
> From: "Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Actually, that is why I did it. Chris and I had a fight. When that 
> happens, we try to walk away and come back together after we cool off. 
> I needed to kill a few hours, and take my mind off stuff, so I drove up 
> to the theater. Jumper was about to start, so I chose it. It took my 
> mind off of stuff. I know you got more serious stuff going on, but it 
> is just what the doctor ordered. I went with very low expectations so I 
> enjoyed it and went home to make up with Chris
>> i've had several people tell me to stay away from this movie at all costs. 
>> But I really need a fun time waster to take my mind off some things. Is it 
>> at least a good popcorn flick Phyllis and I can lose ourselves in for a 
>> couple of hours without feeling regret?
>> -------------- Original message -------------- 
>> From: "Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>> I saw it. It definitely was not theater worthy, but I think it would be 
>> a great TV show. I love the teleportation concept and some of the 
>> mythology and laws were good too. Unfortunately, it came across like a 
>> pilot movie for a scifi tv show. To mad it is not a tv series
>> ravenadal wrote:
>>> To me, teleportation has always been the coolest of all superpowers. 
>>> Couple it with a "proximity sense," keen hearing (so you can hear 
>>> when a shot is fired and teleport an instant before it gets there), 
>>> or just plain "common sense" and you have one heck of a skill set!
>>> ~rave!
>>> --- In, "DJ VIBE" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>> On Feb 15, 2008 6:31 PM, ravenadal <ravenadal@> wrote:
>>>>>> There is a scene in the new Jumper movie (no, I have not seen 
>>>> it)
>>>>>> SPOILER
>>> ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>>>>> where the hero is watching the aftermath of the Hurricane 
>>>> Karina on
>>>>>> his television. He gets dressed and London, 
>>>> where he
>>>>>> has a date. So much for great responsibility coming with 
>>> great 
>>>> power!
>>>> It was right in keeping with how his character was established in 
>>>> the movie, although for a moment there I thought he might think of 
>>>> using his abilities for good. 
>>>> Overall, I found the movie pretty good, with one exception. How 
>>> the 
>>>> hell did the Paladins continually catch jumpers? Its one thing if 
>>>> you get the drop on one, but if you're standing in FRONT of one who 
>>>> is fresh and the jumper sees you and you try to get him with your 
>>>> stun-wand, how are you gonna get him? In less than three minutes, 
>>>> my wife and I came up with several ways to use a teleportation 
>>> power 
>>>> offesinvely (i.e. teleport in a circle around your opponent a la 
>>>> Nightcrawer. et. al) and in all of those cases we came up with, no 
>>>> normal human would have a chance against a jumper.
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