I like the series a lot. My wife and I watch it regularly on TV, not 
via the web. New Amsterdam is far more interesting than both Lost and 


--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Anyone catch the series premiere tonight? I wasn't really that 
impressed. The lead actor --who looks like some hyrid of Aaron 
Eckhart and Dennis Leary--didn't make that much of an impression on 
me. I guess he's got that brooding, soul-weary thing all immortals 
have, but it wasn't pulled off that well. I didn't get the angst or 
sometimes melancholy that say, Duncan McLeod or Angel conveyed in 
their characters. Also, unlike those two immortals, I didn't feel 
that the immortality angle was mixed in very well with the plot of 
the show. It really came off as two disparate stories meshed 
together: a spare tale of a dude who's lived for centuries and sees 
life in ways we don't, and a fairly standard procedural cop show. 
Neither half was scintillating, and the two together weren't that 
special either. "Highlander" in its first season was mythic and 
magical. "Angel" was exciting and thrilling. "New Amsterdam" was just 
kinda there. Anyone remember that short-lived show "Blind justice", 
>  the blind cop? For some reason it reminded me of that. The cop is 
supposed to be brilliant and quirky, kinda nuts at time, gruff, 
unlikeable. He's timed with a young lady cop who refuses to let him 
cow her. Sound familiar? Sounds like a ripoff of "Life", with 
immortality replacing incarceration as the cause for the star's 
strangeness. But it wasn't as catchy as that show either.
> And I have to say, i outright laughed and groaned at the genesis of 
his immortality: a reward from Natives for him risking his life to 
stop a fellow soldier from killing Native women. One, the Natives 
were so cliched and stereotyped they made me groan. The magic 
ceremony (complete with mystic smoke),that typical movie Native music 
with pipes--brother. And I always get irritated at plots where native 
peoples have this incredibly powerful magic, but instead of using it 
on one of their own, grant it to some repentent European dude. The 
lady who gave him his immortality gives some dopey speech about him 
never dying until he meets his "one true love", and breathes some 
magic smoke on him. She was about as cliched as the lady back in the 
day who did the adver for Mazola Oil ("you call it 'corn', we call 
it 'maize'").  And given what was going on, she might as well have 
said, "Even though you came as part of a raiding party and meant to 
kill our men, you are a man of honor for not killing
>  our women. so we'll put our best mojo on you, cool European guy, 
instead of wasting it on one of our noble warriors". That really made 
me groan.
> I've been wrong before about shows, and one ep doesn't always tell 
the story. So I'll give it three or four eps and see what happens.
> Anyone else?
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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