Iph-Ro from Vathlo with an Afro, huh? I'm suprised no DJ has picked up on  
this in all this time.

On one hand, Black characters are always hella segragated, which gets  
sorta tired when it's "major story arc time" in Previews. But then, you  
get stuff like this and Mr.Terrific and T'Challa, which are awesome  

On Thu, 13 Mar 2008 17:01:25 -0400, Justin Mohareb  

> Black Kryptonians were from
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vathlo_Island
> Vathlo Island, "Home of a highly developed black race".
> "Vathlo Island is populated by a "highly developed black race" of
> Kryptonians, and "retained its independence throughout history and did
> not join the planetary federation, though good relations were
> maintained". Black Kryptonians were first shown in Superman #234, with
> the island itself shown on a map in #239. Vathlo was rarely if ever
> referenced beyond these few issues, although a black Kryptonian named
> "Iph-Ro of Vathlo" appeared in the more recent Superman: The Man of
> Steel # 111. An offhand reference to the island was made in Alan
> Moore's story For the Man Who Has Everything, where "racial trouble
> with the Vathlo Island immigrants," are mentioned in a dream world
> Krypton that had avoided destruction."
> It seems to be a case of writers giving black characters space, as you
> mentioned in your last post.  So that leads to the problem of whether
> segregation is a good way to present fictional characters of colour.
> I still wanna say that it's better than the abomination that was the
> Freedom Force story Nicieza wrote during the first Gufl War.
> JJ Mohareb
> On 3/13/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> i've forgotten the Black Kryptonian thing: what's the deal with that?

Daryle Lockhart

“We must welcome the future, remembering that soon it will be the past;  
and we must respect the past, remembering that it was once all that was  
humanly possible.”

-- George Santayana

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