thanks, but love to hear your opinions too. we don't hear from you often enough 
as it is!

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: "James Landrith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Sent: Friday, March 28, 2008 10:34 AM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] 'Jericho' too cynical for the times?

interesting question, that touches on something I've been thinking about
recently: when is scifi or speculative fiction too topical, "real", or
downbeat? I asked because my younger brother last night was telling me that
one reason he didn't like the new Battlestar Galactica was because it was
based too much on current issues: terrorism, religious fundamentalism, etc.
I've heard others say the same thing, including a guy who quit watching
because he felt he was getting hit over the head with a thinly-veiled satire
of our times. "I just want good outer space action without all the
socio-political stuff" he grumped.

I've heard many others say the same, that they want their scifi/speculative
fiction to be escapist fare. They seem to want action, explosions, great fX,
BEMs, gunfire, spaceships, scantily clad women, etc., but please: no
depression reality intruding on their fantasy!

I tend to favor the stuff that's topical, 'cause done right it can be
enjoyed years later, even when the subject matter may not be front and
center in society at that time. One of the reasons I loved B5 and DS9 was
*because* they dealt with real life issues of racism, religion, and
politics. And in that same vein, I liked it when "Jericho" viewed our modern
world through a lens of (perhaps cynical) reality. 
For me, the best stuff--even scifi and spec fiction--tells the "truth", or
"a" truth. So no, not too cynical for me.

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