I, for one, will NEVER underestimate the stupidity of the American
people so this wild gambit by Old Granddad may work.  I am heartened
by today's polls (which have Obama leading 49 to 41 after a near dead
heat of 46-44, immediately after McCain chose Palin).

Regarding the white trash drama of Palin's 17 year-old unmarried
daughter being five months pregnant.  The Republican spin doctors want
to couch this a personal matter for the Palin family but it speaks
directly to Palin's judgment - or her lack of it.

She rails against the teaching of sex education and contraception in
schools (even though studies show children who receive sex education
are SIXTY PERCENT less likely to become teen parents) and reaps the
bitter fruit of such wrong-headed policy based on antiquated religious

I am further alarmed by the family's knee-jerk reaction to make a bad
situation worst by forcing this child into a shotgun wedding purely
out of political convenience.

It is just this sort of religious knuckleheadism that has us embroiled
in the fiasco in Iraq.  I am sure Bush prayed before he made the more
disastrous decisions in American history. And, to channel Dr. Phil,
how did that work out for us?


--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Bosco Bosco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> First off, best wishes and prayers for all those affected by Gustav.
It sounds like it was not as bad as expected. Hope everyone survived okay.
> As for the rest of the subject line, It's gotta be tough to be
McCain right about now and I for one couldn't be happier. All this on
the tail of the best DNC in recent memory. I'll admit to doing a bit
of jig at the keyboard. 
> B

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