
u are so right about them being under used.  the exceptions for the trek series 
were Dax and Kira.  i even liked Dax's character when she was in the alternate 
universe.  the thing between her and Sisko was too kool!  always knew he wanted 
2 hit just a little bit.  as 4 B5, Claudia Christian as Susan Ivanova was kick 
ass.  smart, sexy, and tough.  she was good.  Farscape was good too with 
Claudia Black as Aeryn Sun.  but then again, always had a little crush on 
claudia black (so u know she was my fav when they brought her onto SG-1.

Dr. Fate

--- On Sat, 1/3/09, <> wrote:
From: <>
Subject: Re: [RE][scifinoir2] Majel Roddenberry, wife of 'Trek' creator, dies
Date: Saturday, January 3, 2009, 1:19 AM

            That's an interesting point: just how big is the female following 
among Trek? And how does its appeal among women compare with other scifi giants 
like Babylon 5, Star Wars, Farscape?

I agree that the women of Trek weren't very well utilized in the main. I read 
character sketches on TNG, for example, revealing that Deanna Troi was 
originally characterized as having a genius level IQ. The only hint of that we 
saw was one ep where she beat Data playing 3D chess, and even that might be 
more her ability to think outside his logical box.  Beverly Crusher was a fav 
of mine, but she was woefully underused. I guess you'd put Janeway in the 
"ultra butch" category, and Seven of Nine and T'Pol in the "ultra fem" category?

What about the women of Deep Space Nine? They seemed to be fairly well-rounded 
to me. Dax was sexy and attractive, but also smart and tough and serious when 
needed. She was never too far one way or the other. Same for Kira, who was 
tough as nails, but allowed to be a woman who could have tender feelings for a 

 ------------ -- Original message ------------ --------- -

From: "Meta" <hett...@yahoo. com>

> --- In scifino...@yahoogro, "Tracey de Morsella" <tdli...@... >

> wrote:

> >

> > I liked her when she did a serious episode with Odo on DS9 and on

> Next Gen

> > with the guy she fell in love with whose society euthanized elders.

>  Too bad

> > they always used her for comic relief.  That character had so much

> > unexplored potential

> Most of the women of Trek had unexplored potential but it seemed for

> the most part that unless they could be paired with a male any of

> their other potential was left to the imagination. Trek does not do

> women well. Its either ultra butch or ultra fem, with very few

> glimpses of anything in between. They always forget just how strong a

> female following they have. 


> Meta








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