Here's two tears in a bucket for DC Comics. Let's see what happens with "Watchmen" before we start calling DC "Dying".

On Feb 6, 2009, at 10:09 PM, wrote:

I agree with him. But for different reasons. Mostly because DC is still trying to hold on to that fanboy comic book fan/element to keep itself afloat. One that's seems to be decreasing yearly. Mostly by going backwards instead of forwards. And much of what they have character-wise doesn't click with todays audiances (after all this group is not interested in going backwards). In many ways at least Marvel is doing the same thing but at least they are trying to go past the fanboy base to (with some success) get at todays audiances. Another factor to this is their core audiances. Marvels will at least give new ideas/heros a chance. DC's doesn't.

Anyway that's my .02 cents on this.


In a message dated 2/6/09 9:42:34 PM, writes:

Grant Morrison seems to think so.

They haven't posted the article from Wizard that I read this afternoon on the web site, so it falls to me to quote it. When asked about his work on "Final Crisis" (the ending in particular, and what he hopes fans will take away from the conclusion of the story), he says, "I hope they''ll take away a sense of how much they love the DC universe. Because there are the two camps... and Marvel is a colossus right now. To me, the DC Universe dying is almost how it felt to be at DC. There was just a sense that Marvel was just getting bigger and bigger and bigger."

I don't agree with that at all.

IMO, Marvel has al but sold out its readers, with cheap and gimmicky plotlines that aren't likely to last more than two years before being retconned right out ! of existence, leaving nothing short of a continuity mess. DC, on the other hand, is bringing about "Final Crisis", almost to the letter as it was destined to happen thirty-odd years ago.

I put my brain to the task of remembering exactly what books I'd picked up in the last six months, and they've been 95% DC, only Fantastic Four as a Marvel representative. But that's just me.

Thrash on this.

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