Did anyone read Final Crisis, this is the real reason DC is dying.  They
keep putting all their eggs in one writers basket (Morrison) who takes a
dump throws it on the wall calls it art, and if anyone complains tells them
that it's the editors fault.


On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 9:42 PM, Martin Baxter <truthseeker...@lycos.com>wrote:

> Grant Morrison seems to think so.
> They haven't posted the article from Wizard that I read this afternoon on
> the web site, so it falls to me to quote it. When asked about his work on
> "Final Crisis" (the ending in particular, and what he hopes fans will take
> away from the conclusion of the story), he says, "I hope they''ll take away
> a sense of how much they love the DC universe. Because there are the two
> camps... and Marvel is a colossus right now. To me, the DC Universe dying is
> almost how it felt to be at DC. There was just a sense that Marvel was just
> getting bigger and bigger and bigger."
> I don't agree with that at all.
> IMO, Marvel has al but sold out its readers, with cheap and gimmicky
> plotlines that aren't likely to last more than two years before being
> retconned right out of existence, leaving nothing short of a continuity
> mess. DC, on the other hand, is bringing about "Final Crisis", almost to the
> letter as it was destined to happen thirty-odd years ago.
> I put my brain to the task of remembering exactly what books I'd picked up
> in the last six months, and they've been 95% DC, only Fantastic Four as a
> Marvel representative. But that's just me.
> Thrash on this.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQdwk8Yntds

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