Jeff, I won't go that far. Though a lot of the stuff out there falls short of 
palatability, there are good reads to be had. My last time through my comic 
store, I picked up the first two issues of a Vertigo comic called "Air", a nice 
mixture of surrealism and modern-day air piracy. My next time through has me 
picking up #s 3-6, and hoping for more.

---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------

 Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] Is DC Comics dying?

 Date : Mon, 16 Feb 2009 09:19:13 -0500

 From : Jeff Carter <>

 To :

I agree with you about civil war as well. The big two have given complete
control to two or three writers, and they are able to get away with anything
they want. Stories are bland and repetitive, each company puts out a big
stunt every three months (one more day, death of batman), issues are
consistently late, and now they are raising the prices. After 27 years of
reading and collecting comics I do believe that this is my time to bow out.


On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 9:11 AM, Martin Baxter wrote:

> Jeff, I guess that that's a matter of interpretation. IMO, I could take
> your statement, substitute "Civil War" for "Final Crisis", and it would be a
> valid assessment.
> ---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------
> Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] Is DC Comics dying?
> Date : Thu, 12 Feb 2009 17:37:03 -0500
> From : Jeff Carter 
> To :
> Did anyone read Final Crisis, this is the real reason DC is dying. They
> keep putting all their eggs in one writers basket (Morrison) who takes a
> dump throws it on the wall calls it art, and if anyone complains tells them
> that it's the editors fault.
> Jeff
> On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 9:42 PM, Martin Baxter wrote:
> > Grant Morrison seems to think so.
> >
> > They haven't posted the article from Wizard that I read this afternoon on
> > the web site, so it falls to me to quote it. When asked about his work on
> > "Final Crisis" (the ending in particular, and what he hopes fans will
> take
> > away from the conclusion of the story), he says, "I hope they''ll take
> away
> > a sense of how much they love the DC universe. Because there are the two
> > camps... and Marvel is a colossus right now. To me, the DC Universe dying
> is
> > almost how it felt to be at DC. There was just a sense that Marvel was
> just
> > getting bigger and bigger and bigger."
> >
> > I don't agree with that at all.
> >
> > IMO, Marvel has al but sold out its readers, with cheap and gimmicky
> > plotlines that aren't likely to last more than two years before being
> > retconned right out of existence, leaving nothing short of a continuity
> > mess. DC, on the other hand, is bringing about "Final Crisis", almost to
> the
> > letter as it was destined to happen thirty-odd years ago.
> >
> > I put my brain to the task of remembering exactly what books I'd picked
> up
> > in the last six months, and they've been 95% DC, only Fantastic Four as a
> > Marvel representative. But that's just me.
> >
> > Thrash on this.
> >
> >
> >
> >

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