And the canonical differences are the things we were always arguing about ANYWAY, which makes this reset brilliant.

A lot of the things we accept as Trek law is stuff that happened under Berman and Braga. Let's not forget, if we follow the actual timeliine of events, time had been changed by the events of "First Contact" ANYWAY, so things were already different. I have an analysis coming on things that changed that we hadn't considered, and some of it's good, like the idea that "Voyager" probably won't happen in this timeline, and that no Klingons ever join the Federation. Having a leading science officer from the future with knowledge of their mining accident will DEFINITELY impact how the Klingons get down. But more importantly, it is quite possible that either the Founders or The Borg WIN this time. The small advantages the Federation had were due to the political climate in the galaxy. Change those things (make the Romulans into allies, for example), and everything changes. I believe that this new Trek universe is going to be FANTASTIC for novels. All bets are off!

FOR THIS REASON, it's crucial that J J Abrams not direct the next Star Trek movie. He can produce all day, I'm not saying the man shouldn't get paid, but JJ has a habit of derailing something in the middle and having it never recover (or is there someone here who understands what's happening on "Lost"?)

On May 10, 2009, at 11:43 AM, Adrianne Brennan wrote:

I dunno. I don't see what they're doing as being any different from the reboot of Doctor Who, except with more major canonical differences.

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On Sun, May 10, 2009 at 10:31 AM, <> wrote:

In a message dated 5/10/09 4:24:35 AM, writes:

My great fear is that this spawns a whole Trek series that won't have some universal appeal because they adhere to any dynamic set of principles, but a Trek universe where things get blow'd up real good and the movie crowd can clap on cue. Too early to make that judgment before the next film, so we'll just have to wait and see...


Sin/Black Galactus

I was about to stay silent on this but the paragraph above prompted me to put my .02 cents in.

What Sin/Black Galactus stated is something I call "The Galactica Syndrome". That is you got a show based on a earlier project that while forming it's own audiance base is shunned by most-if not all of the orignials show's base. Shows like this usually don't have that much of a long shelf-life being period 'flashes in the pan".

Pre-new movie Star Trek (OST, ST:NG, ST:DS9, ST:V) while set either/or different time periods, situtations, characters, etc. could have went this way. Their was something about those shows (and the movies based on them) that fans from other shows could like and this brought in many fans from those shows. Which in turn made the great. However the flipside of this is that it produces 'lazy' exicution, that eventually results in bad products which angers and drives of the fans of those shows. Forcing efforts to bring new life into those shows. Sometimes successful, sometimes not. It depends on how much cannon they 'break' when doing it to make the show new/hip to make it acceptable to both new/old fans.

This, IMO is why Enterprise was not well recieved by the pre-new movie Star Trek community. It broke too much cannon, and many of the stories weren't that good. Which is also why it didn't get that many new fans (IMO if it wasn't for the ST name Enterprise would have been canciled in it's first season).

while the new Battlestar Galactica was a somewhat hit. It was not so by many fans of the old series who concider it broke too much cannon (and the fact it's creators also had 'lazy exicution' sydrome judging from it's later episodes) and this IMO the show will probally fade over time. And in my opinion I see the new Star Trek movie and it's alternate timeline will while finding intial popular support will eventually go the way of new BG as it's new fans will stick to this movie. While fans of pre-new movie ST will eventually ignore it and continue on, asking for more stuff in the pre-new movie ST background.

But hey it's only my opinon.


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