I was a near instance Picard fan, mainly because he was the total opposite of 
Kirk. If Kirk had been killed at anytime during TOS, I'd
have leaped for joy.:) I really didn't like him until the movies appeared. 
Watching the movie today I found myself really liking this Kirk, much to my 
surprise.:) Quinto was outstanding,IMO.


--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, "Tracey de Morsella" <tdli...@...> wrote:
> One more thing,  Do any of you remember when people torn down TNG during its
> premier.  How about Picard.  He is now among some more beloved than Kirk,
> yet many were prepared to start a rebellion when the series premiered.  I
> think some of the traditionalists will eventually adapt and learn to
> separate enjoy and gripe.  Griping can be fun   
> From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com [mailto:scifino...@yahoogroups.com] On
> Behalf Of Justin Mohareb
> Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 8:46 AM
> To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: Re: [RE][scifinoir2] Re: New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*
> Yeah, but a lot of people have decided that, sight unseen, they're not going
> to like this film. 
> I, personally, don't have the time or energy to debate or cajole or even, at
> this point, care. 
> Let them stew in prejudice and nostalgia. 
> That leaves more seats for the rest of us. 
> Justin 
> On 10-May-09, at 10:15 AM, Adrianne Brennan <adrianne.bren...@...>
> wrote:
> And yet, me and many others who ARE Trek fans--heck, been a Trekkie all of
> my life--*loved* the movie!
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> On Sun, May 10, 2009 at 7:55 AM, Martin Baxter <truthseeker...@...>
> wrote:
> That, sir, is a DAMN good point. But then, I return to Abrams' own words.
> "If you're a Star Trek fan, you won't like this movie."
> ---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------
>  Subject : [scifinoir2] Re: New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*
>  Date : Sun, 10 May 2009 08:36:17 -0000
>  From : "sincere1906" <sincere1...@...>
>  To : scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
> Okay. Getting real Trek geek here...
> Where are the Temporal Authorities? In a Deep Space 9 episode, we got to see
> guys from the future who monitor time. I figure they must be able to remain
> unaltered outside the timeline. Shouldn't some alarm (or however they're
> notified) have gone off somewhere as soon as that giant Romulan ship showed
> up and started rippling through the time line?
> Jes thinkin aloud...
> Sin
> -- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, "sincere1906"  wrote:
> >
> > Okay it's 4am, I saw the new Trek movie about 8 hours ago and am just
> getting in after a night of debauchery. So I might be writing this on a Red
> Stripe buzz, but here goes...
> >
> > S P O I L E R S ! ! !
> >
> > I liked the movie. As a movie, it was good. The plot was decent. There was
> well-paced excitement, humor, etc. The cast was relatable. I thought
> everyone did a great job playing their roles--even down to Chekhov. So as a
> movie, good. I give it 3 stars out of four.
> >
> > The larger question, what I suppose matters the most on a group like this,
> is was it good Trek?
> >
> > On this, I'm truly torn.
> >
> > First off, I knew they said get ready to forget everything you know about
> Trek, but damn...I didn't know they were this serious! Thanks to that
> Romulan ship coming through a black hole and killing Kirk's father, the
> timeline that we know from that point on has been severed. The Butterfly
> effect has created a host of new phenomenon--right down to a love affar
> between Uhuru and Spock--which never seemed to exist before. This was a bold
> and daring move. The writers of this new Trek world have an entire alternate
> reality on their hands. They can do anything. And with Vulcans reduced to a
> virtual minor colony the entire course of the Federation could be altered,
> not to mention the balance of power in the Alpha Quadrant. They should call
> this "Ultimate Star Trek!" There's a sense of loss here knowing that the
> Trek reality that I've long called home no longer exists (or exists in some
> other timeline). For all we know future figures like Picard might never have
> been born. For the !
>  first time I can recall, we have a Trek spin off that cannot fit into the
> larger Trek universe. That will take some getting used to.
> >
> > Second, where a part of me is concerned, is I'm trying to figure out where
> this new story fits into Roddenberry's vision. Even with all its faults, the
> original Trek world was one that took radical positions--a Russian main
> character, a black main character, etc. I don't see this Trek taking any
> such bold moves. I don't see a vision here, even as we stand in the midst of
> a time almost as socially and politically challenging as the 1960s. Nothing
> illustrated this more than seeing product placement ads for Nokia, Budweiser
> and Jack Daniels. Pardon me for using a cross-sci-fi swear word, but "what
> the frack!?!" Earth endures eugenics wars, a nuclear holocaust, a
> post-atomic court of horrors, new regional powers (the Northern Alliance,
> etc), and somehow Nokia emerges unscathed!?!? The Trek world I knew seemed
> to always posit that humanity had come to the verge of destroying itself,
> and upon First Contact, from the ashes of the old world they built a new
> one--eliminat ing povert!
>  y, war, hunger, disease and systems that move far beyond capitalism and
> socialism. In this new Trek reality, I wouldn't be surprised if Kirk had a
> credit card! Trek has often been faulted at being overly utopian in the
> past, which I agreed could obscure reality. But this Trek has characters so
> much like us, I don't understand how they can possibly be enlightened.
> Normally Trek folks look back on our era the way we would at someone stepped
> out of the 12th century. Can't see them however debating the philosophical
> merits of the prime directive.
> >
> > My great fear is that this spawns a whole Trek series that won't have some
> universal appeal because they adhere to any dynamic set of principles, but a
> Trek universe where things get blow'd up real good and the movie crowd can
> clap on cue. Too early to make that judgment before the next film, so we'll
> just have to wait and see...
> >
> > MHO
> >
> > Sin/Black Galactus
> >
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQdwk8Yntds
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