Now, now, we all know why they cast her in the role--a weak attempt to draw 
BSG/No. 6 fans to the show, which failed to hold my attention again.  That guy 
was Daphne's lawyer on Fraiser and he's playing the exact same person, nothing 
mystical or techno there.

And yes, it's Friday the 13th meets X Files--both of which I watched 
religiously.  But if you're going to recycle, why not go get some of those old 
shows that left viewers waiting for more.  Remember The Lost Room?  I was sure 
that was headed for a full series.  And couldn't River World have been 
something if they'd really really tried? Ok, maybe that pushing it, but is it 
really easier to outright recycle a show that ran its course already than 
resurrect/ resuscitate a show that was cut off in its infancy?  Maybe.

Anyway, I gave WH13 two weeks, but I think it's gonna be one of those shows the 
DVR continues to record, but never gets watched.


--- In, <wlro...@...> wrote:
> I have to agree, I mean they did not have to use her and she did not have 
> that sexy flair to her either. I would love to have Gillian Anderson on the 
> show. You know some type of mockery of the X Files.
> --Lavender
> From: Martin Baxter 
> Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 7:57 AM
> To: 
> Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Syfy's New Flagships Recycle Old Favorites
>       Lavendar, I get the feeling that it's going to be a fair mix of 
> mystical and technological stuff they'll be hunting for. 
>       If I may add here, the new ep following "Eureka" last night was a 
> little better, IMO. More in flow, fewer odd quirks (though there were still 
> plenty). And they really could've left Number Sex -- uh, Six, forgive me -- 
> on the shelf here. Any other actress could've played that role, and probably 
> brought more to it.
>         ---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------
>         Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] Syfy's New Flagships Recycle Old Favorites
>         Date : Wed, 15 Jul 2009 00:52:20 -0400
>         From : <wlro...@...>
>         To : <>
>         OK I did watch Warehouse 13 and I did thought that it was an updated 
> version of X-files. Or with a hipper view on it. But it never dawn on me to 
> think of Friday 13th the Series. That was my show and I love Ryan more then 
> his cousin. But with that comparison the items on 13 is not that mystical as 
> it was on Friday 13th. 
>         --Lavender 
>         From: Tracey de Morsella 
>         Sent: Sunday, July 12, 2009 11:19 PM 
>         To: 
>         Subject: [scifinoir2] Syfy's New Flagships Recycle Old Favorites 
>         By Sarah Hope Williams, 2:00 PM on Sun Jul 12 2009 
>         Copy this whole post to another site 
>         Slurp cancel 
>         Syfy is back, now with "Y"s, vying even harder for your attention. 
> But the network's name isn't the only thing that has been re-purposed; its 
> new staple shows seem oddly familiar. Why is Syfy so unapologetically 
> recycling old television? 
>         Syfy is trying to impress us with its new look and new shows, like a 
> small-town girl who moves to the big city to be an "actress", bleaches her 
> hair platinum blonde and changes her name. And while we remain skeptical of 
> clichéd reinvention, we have to admit - it worked for Norma Jeane. 
>         Warehouse 13 premiered this week on Syfy, and many viewers were 
> filled with a strong sense of Déjà vu. A pair of odd-couple government 
> agents are sent to investigate paranormal activity, blatantly setting the 
> characters up as replicas of Mulder and Scully. Couldn't Syfy at least have 
> mixed things up a bit by making Pete being the by-the-book skeptic and Myka 
> being the intuitive true-believer? But it's not just the agents themselves 
> that are borrowed directly from the archives: 
>         The name of show, and its very concept, evokes another direct 
> influence: the quirky Canadian series Friday the 13th that aired in 1987, 
> about a pair of cousins who inherit an antique shop that turns out to be 
> filled with supernatural artifacts. They too are aided by an eccentric 
> middle-aged man with a vast knowledge of the supernatural. In Friday, the 
> female lead is named Micki, and Warehouse's tight-laced female agent is Myka 
> - here again, Syfy strives to make things new and shiny by swapping "y"s for 
> "i"s. 
>         This isn't a new approach by any means. When Syfy's old staple show, 
> Eureka, first premiered in 2006, its premise was equally familiar; government 
> official gets sent to a small town in the Pacific Northwest to investigate a 
> strange occurrence, teams up with local law enforcement and becomes deeply 
> embroiled in the wacky little town and all its colorful characters. Sheriff 
> Carter is no Agent Cooper, but the sense of odd familiarity about the show 
> was undeniable. Eureka appeared to be a candy-coated kid's coloring-book 
> version of Twin Peaks. 
>         The question remains, why isn't Syfy trying harder to hide its 
> repackaging of television we already know and love? Do they hope that by 
> transparently recycling these well-worn television tropes they can take a 
> direct route to high ratings and fan admiration? Certainly the 
> ever-increasing number of movie sequels indicates "more of the same" is a 
> safe bet. Syfy already seems to be engaged in rebooting even more 80's 
> television, including Quantum Leap and Alien Nation. It is remarkable how 
> much attention all these "new" shows have gotten on blogs, message boards and 
> by word of mouth. Perhaps the network executives at Syfy know the game better 
> than we imagine, and are inviting us to play along as we watch them pressing 
> our buttons. But don't they also know that "familiarity breeds contempt"? 
>         You have our attention, Syfy - now can you show us something new? 
>         People may lie, but the evidence rarely does. 
> People may lie, but the evidence rarely does.

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