Mr Worf, in a remotely sane Cosmos, last night would've closed the deal. 
Unfortunately, I've seen ample evidence to prove that the sheeple are far less 
edumacated than in previous years.

And I posted earlier that, in lieu of not being able to reach Rep Wilson via 
his page (according to MSNBC, his *supporters* crashed the site to give him 
cyber high-fives), I was going to reach out to his fellow congressmen in SC to 
pass the Bad Word to him. Normally, congressional and senatorial contact pages 
allow anyone to touch base with any Congressperson (last month, I zapped one to 
Max Baucus, and I've traded a few with Senator Nelson of Florida). Today, 
they've all been reformatted, allowing only for people in their state to use 
them. Closing ranks as they hide...

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant

Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 13:41:53 -0700
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Congressman Joe Wilson Calls Obama Liar       
During Speech


                  The problem is that most people haven't read the bill 
including most of congress. Its huge and would take several days to read it, so 
if you're in opposition you can use the public's ignorance of it to your own 
advantage. The ones beating the drum of "anti-Obamaism" can get away with 
saying anything at this point. Hopefully sooner than later they will do 
something so outrageous that it will turn many of their own party away from the 
madness. This incident came close. 

On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 6:22 AM, daikaiju66 <> wrote:

According to some sources he made some veiled statements about disrupting or 
making a scene during the President's speech on Labor Day. If this is the case 
he needs to be censured. This stuff definitely needs to end.

--- In, Martin Baxter <truthseeker...@...> wrote:



> (standing ovation)


> And, just to beat the band, he was lying himself. Section 246 of the bill 
> clearly states that illegal aliens would NOT be covered under the program in 
> any way. And he apologized afterward, ONLY because of his outburst. He still 
> lies in his insistence that he was right in his words. I will drop him a line 
> the minute I'm done here.


> And I'll throw in "You might want to read the bill.)


> "If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
> hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant







> To:

> From: keithbjohn...@...

> Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 02:17:03 +0000

> Subject: [scifinoir2] OT: Congressman Joe Wilson Calls Obama Liar During 
> Speech























> Folks,


> I don't usually get into the "write this person or call that one" thing, but 
> you know sometimes enough is enough. For weeks--months--we've listened to the 
> Right call Obama a terrorist, socialist, and even (thank you Mr. Beck) a 
> racist. He's been labeled Nazi, "Christian" ministers are praying for his 
> death, and parents lost their minds trying to deny their kids the option to 
> listen to him give a fairly safe, canned "Stay in school and study hard 
> speech".  (Oddly enough, I didn't see any kiddies roaming around today 
> burning down buildings, quoting Marx, or kissing the Koran).


> Obama has been subjected to more hatred, lies, and vitriol than i can 
> remember in my life, and it's not just of the political type. We've had guys 
> standing outside buildings where he's located, wearing sidearms, something 
> that chills me to my bones. Small wonder that the Secret Service has given 
> him more protection than any Prez in history. I hear he has four times as 
> many death threats as is "normal" for a President. And of course, the health 
> care debate has been a prime example of the hatred and lies surrounding him, 
> with charges of "death panels", socialism, government takeovers, etc., 
> running rampant. It's been disgusting, it's been infuriating, it's been 
> maddening. But I've tried to stay the course, to wade and cut through the 
> garbage of the Right as I try to search for the truth. I've tried to stay 
> above the stench of  it all.


> But tonight, enough was enough. During Obama's speech, South Carolina 
> representative Joe Wilson clearly yells "you lie!" at the President's 
> assertion that illegal immigrants won't be covered under his health care plan.


> View the video and see the picture of him here:  


> My feelings about that aside--my feelings about *any* of the policies being 
> discussed aside--this moment sickened me. Have we come so far, has the Right 
> become so emboldened, that it's okay to call the President a liar on 
> television?? It's okay that an image beamed around the world shows disrespect 
> for our duly elected leader, a man trying to do something to help the 
> dispossessed? Is the office so contemptible now that you don't even respect 
> it, if not the man? I've seen some things during Obama's rise, but this is 
> going too far. In one statement, Wilson has crystalized and symbolized all 
> the ignorance, hatred, disrespect, danger, foolishness, and intolerance that 
> has characterized this debate. This, then, is the fruition and completion of 
> Palin, still talking death panels today. This is the result of Glen Beck's 
> charges of racism and witch hunts against good men.


> This then, is the depth to which some in America have fallen, and it has got 
> to stop. This is no longer irritating, it's dangerous. In an environment 
> where people wear sidearms around the President and feel empowered to call 
> him a liar to his face, something is very, very wrong--and we have to take a 
> step to stop it.


> I'm taking a small step tonight. I am trying to e-mail and call Joe Wilson to 
> express my disgust and displeasure at what he's done. I say "trying" because 
> all communication methods are currently busy. Phone lies busy, website, slow. 
> But I provide the below links and ask you to do the same. And then, maybe we 
> need to get John Boehner's contact info as well and let him know how 
> disgusting this is.


> It's time to draw a line in the sand of this foolishness and hate. Let's 
> start the line in S.C.  Contact info for Wilson is below:


> Send an e-mail to him here:


> Contact info (all numbers have been busy since I've tried them tonight)


> The Midlands' Office  •  1700 Sunset Blcd (US 378), Suite 1  •  West 
> Columbia, SC 29169  •  Phone: (803) 939-0041  •  Fax: (803) 939-0078


> The Lowcountry Office  •  903 Port Republic Street  •  Beaufort, SC 29902  •  
> Phone: (843) 521-2530  •  Fax: (843) 521-2535


> Washington Office  •  212 Cannon House Office Building  •  Washington, DC 
> 20515  •  Phone: (202) 225-2452  •  Fax: (202) 225-2455





















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