>From Entertainment Weekly, October 9, 2009:

"Jennifer's Body" deadly $6.8 million debut is attributed to Megan Fox's 
"sexy-beast" persona proving off-putting to women, without whom a horror movie 
don't stand a chance.  "The genre is driven by the female audience, and I don't 
know that girls relate to her," says the executive.  "Megan leads with pure, 
raw sexuality, and for girls it's a turnoff."  

Fox's drawing power will be tested again with next summer's western "Jonah 
Hex," aimed at her core: young guys.  

"If I were cutting the "Hex" trailer," says a studio strategist, "I'd make sure 
she was in as much of it as possible - in compromising positions."

I imagine it would do even better if she could be raped during the movie.


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