I may not have the option of waiting. I'm into my fourth year on this laptop, 
and I run it daily. The wear's starting to show.

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant


To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
From: tdli...@multiculturaladvantage.com
Date: Sun, 31 Jan 2010 14:41:38 -0800
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Blogger: Windows 8 Set for July 2011 Release




When vista came out, all the people at Microsoft groaned about
having to use it.  That was a horrible sign.


They seem to really like 8, so I’m going to wait a until late  and
do an upgrade.    I want to see what bugs they find a little longer


From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:scifino...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Martin Baxter

Sent: Sunday, January 31, 2010 12:22 PM

To: SciFiNoir2

Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Blogger: Windows 8 Set for July 2011 Release


I'm not ina  rush for the upgrade either, Tracey. I've been on XP since I
got this laptop back in '06, but I'll definitely have to go up when D.X. here
gives up the ghost, unless I luck out and find a place that carries XP on disc
for me to roll back to.

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in
bloody hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant



From: tdli...@multiculturaladvantage.com

Date: Sat, 30 Jan 2010 21:54:14 -0800

Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Blogger: Windows 8 Set for July 2011 Release



I used to recruit for them back in  the day. Back then they
had a very high retention rate.  Until the sky fell last year, I was left
with a similar impression, but it could be just senior and middle level
managers who do not start their own thing stay forever.  Most of the
people I meet there have been their forever, or come back.  I here so few 
quit that it is hard to more up the ladder unless a new group is being formed
.  God forbid you get a project cancelled.  Finding another good spot
up the food chain is really hard.  


But I also have a few friends that say never again.  I know
that the only thing that could probably get my husband to go in as an employee
is if he got a full time gig with the experimental group. He likes working on
experimental projects.  I used to worry he was going to get an offer, but
after the crash last year, they slashed and burned many of the experimental
groups so I doubt if they will be making any more overtures any time soon.


These are very strange times at Microsoft.   It’s
almost cannibalistic.  The company is trying to redefine itself beyond
windows and Office, but those groups work to undercut groups working to compete
with Apple, Google,Sony, etc.  So efforts to move beyond the desktop are
often harmed by insiders before they even go up against would be competitor


My husband just started as a consultant with the Microsoft Apple
group last week.  He hated Vista, but likes 7.  We still run XP for
our business, but he is considering switching us over to 7.  I going to
have to put my ear to the ground about 8.  But my gut is to wait, because
there seems to always be some major bug.  If we move to 7, I will be in no
hurry to jump to 8


From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:scifino...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Mr. Worf

Sent: Saturday, January 30, 2010 7:40 PM

To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com

Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Blogger: Windows 8 Set for July 2011 Release


They seem to waste a lot of their talent there. They have about a 50% turn over
rate with 2 years. That number increases dramatically by year 5. 

The RTM dates are flexible. The problem is the info about products that are
supposed to be a "secret." After all of the hype about windows 7 now
we find out that just a year later that they will be releasing windows 8? That
is a little disappointing.

Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 5:58 PM, Tracey de Morsella 


I guess it’s payback time for how they are laying off, reducing
salaries and overworking the Microsoft crew.


From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
On Behalf Of Mr. Worf

Sent: Saturday, January 30, 2010 4:56 PM

To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com

Subject: [scifinoir2] Blogger: Windows 8 Set for July 2011 Release


M$ is pissed!

Blogger: Windows 8 Set for July 2011 Release

than six months after the release of Windows 7, a blogger claiming to be a
former Microsoft employee posted a timeline outlining the software giant's
product releases schedule for the next three years.

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28, 2010

half-truths and distortions are commonplace when it comes to rumors of new
products, product release dates and management shakeups in the software
industry. CodeGuru has the latest
scuttlebutt from a blogger who posted his version of Microsoft's product
release timeline through 2012. 

it was a practical joke, Microsoft officials aren't laughing. 

A man who claimed to have worked for Microsoft until mid-January posted on his
blog in early December a list of upcoming, unannounced products and his guesses
on when they will ship. 

On that list is Windows 8, which the former employee—Chris Green—pegs as being
"released to manufacturing" (RTM) on or around July 1, 2011. Green's
list also predicts Office 2012 is targeted to RTM in July 2012, and Windows
Server 2012 as going to RTM in July 2012. 

Earlier this week, that December post, and the chart that the former employee
compiled, were spotted by Stephen Chapman, a blogger who already has a bit of a
track record for finding sensitive Microsoft product timing documents. 

Chapman publicized Green's chart in a post on the Microsoft Kitchen blog
(formerly known as the UX Evangelist blog) Wednesday. 

Green, whose name and former company e-mail address appears on at least one 
Microsoft document online, did not respond to a request for comment by press

Microsoft Kitchen's Chapman said he does not know Green and can't vouch for the
accuracy of the future product names and dates, although he noted on his blog
that Green's chart includes caveats regarding the accuracy of the information. 

the full story at CodeGuru: 

Blown on Windows 8 Release?


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