I'm always searching for "real" music that's outside of the standard 
hip-hip/finger poppin'/dance heavy stuff played on commercial radio (how many 
times in one day can one stomach Beyonce Knowles, Lady Gaga, or Bieber???) A 
while back I heard an interview on "Fresh Air" with a group called Sharon Jones 
and the Dap-Kings. This group is amazing, with a sound that hails back to the 
days of good old soul and funk. Jones has that rich, raspy voice that lends 
itself to heartfelt, even painful renditions, and her band sounds like 
something straight out of Stax records. They use old-fashioned methods to 
record: real tapes, hand editing, actual acoustics caused by the recording room 
instead of computer manipulations. Very, very good stuff. Albums are on iTunes: 
I bought two straightaway after listening to the NPR interview. 

Go to their web site to be treated to a listen to some of their latest songs, 
which start playing automatically. The first song up is "I Learned the Hard 
Way", which has a real old feel to it. Other recent songs you have to seek out 
are "Humble Me" and the awesome "100 Days, 100 Nights", which sounds as if it 
came straight off an actual record from the 60s. 

Two links below. The first is to their website, where you can hear some of 
their songs. The second is to a great NPR SXSW showcase in Austin where Jones' 
group was the headliner. There you can hear the entire gig they performed, 
which is close to an a hour long. Highly recommended!! 



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