What is the Canadian Label?    Are Canadians pigeon-holed into certain


Chris Hayden wrote:
> <<Don't forget the Canadian label, also.
> Never forget>>
> --- In SciFiNoir_Lit@yahoogroups.com, "Tracey de Morsella (formerly
> Tracey L. Minor)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I responded to it inadvertently.  I posted around the same time
> saying
>> basically, that I got the impression that as a member of two groups
> that
>> frequently get pigeonholed into very tightly targeted genres with
> very
>> segmented markets:  (women and African Americans), I felt like she
> she
>> was trying not to be labeled.
>> Tracey
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Dr. Lester K Spence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> To: SciFiNoir_Lit@yahoogroups.com
>>> Sent: Fri, 2 Jun 2006 19:59:12 -
>>> Subject: Re: [SciFiNoir Lit] Hopkinson sells out?
>>> Nora made the most cogent point, given Hopkinson's comments...but
> no 
>>> one has responded to it:
>>> On Jun 1, 2006, at 2:08 PM, Nora wrote:
>>> <<I think I responded to it.  She thinks it is a disservice.  I
> do not.
>>> Let us be Frank.  Nalo Hopkinson is not suffering as a result of
> my actions.  She will lose no sleep.  She will suffer no anguish.  No
> one will stand up at her next readings and demand she be down with
> Afrofuturism or else.  If this discussion comes to her attention, if
> she pays it any attention, it will probably be to laugh.
>>> Nora is attributing to her feelings and reactions she might not
> have.  But she is passionate and committed and fun.
>>> It is possible even that Nalo Hopkinson, after some thought,
> might agree with me and withdraw her comments.  Where will all of you
> be then?
>>>> I think it's a disservice, both to authors and to this nascent 
>>>> movement, to
>>>> hijack people into it.  A movement doesn't *need* to go hunting
> for 
>>>> members,
>>>> if it has the ideological strength to grow and develop on its
> own; its
>>>> members will find it, because it serves a need.  But when
> people 
>>>> declare
>>>> that so-and-so's work *must* be Afrofuturism, whether that
> person 
>>>> intended
>>>> it that way or not, they're trying to bogart her into it.  The 
>>>> thing is, by
>>>> doing this they make the movement, if indeed it is a movement,
> look 
>>>> too weak
>>>> to stand on its own.  It has to coerce its most prominent
> members 
>>>> to join?
>>>> That's not a movement, that's Scientology.
>>> <<Furthermore this is from a person who has told me--not once,
> but several times--to "Love it or Leave it" when it comes to Sci Fi.
>>> I am going to make her Queen of Black Speculative Fiction if it
> kills me>>
>>> What I got from her comments is that she was real uncomfortable
> being 
>>> labeled as the leader of something just because she was one of
> the 
>>> most successful folks (art wise) on the afrofuturist list.  The
> only 
>>> two people who could compare to her are probably Kodwo Eshun and
> DJ 
>>> Spooky (who have both since left the list).  The "movement" to
> the 
>>> degree it exists could be about all types of stuff that she
> doesn't 
>>> know about....but because she's black, an author, and used to be
> on 
>>> the list, she is not only associated with the concept, SHE IS
>>> <<What's wrong with that?  Isn't that what happens to you when
> you get out in public?
>>> If I am not mistaken that is how you make your living.
>>> It's honest.>>
>>> In that context?  If someone asks me to speak about something
> from 
>>> the authoritative standpoint, and I don't actually have expertise?
>>> I back the hell up.
>>> <<Excuse me if there was a gap in the typing.  I fainted dead
> away at the intelligence that LK Spence has a "reverse" gear on it.
>>> I seem to remember a discussion we had about amendments to the
> Constitution a while back...>>
>>> This is what she did, from my perspective.
>>>> Even worse, by insinuating that she's a sellout if she doesn't,
> any
>>>> Afrofuturists trying to claim Nalo may effectively achieve the 
>>>> complete
>>>> opposite effect, and send her running for the hills.
>>> Chris is just trying to get people interested enough to respond,
> but 
>>> I feel you.
>>> <<If she runs for the hills it will be to get her shootin' irons,
> I bet. You don't get to be Nalo Hopkinson without being able to get
> down.
>>> Nora is being protective.  She is doing it out of love. 
>>> That's why we adore her>>
>>>>>  > Bullshit.  It's one thing to discuss the probable intentions
> of an 
>>>> author
>>>> who's dead, or impossible (for us) to contact, a la Octavia 
>>>> Butler.  But to
>>>> do this to a woman who's alive, when **you've got her blog
> right 
>>>> there** and
>>>> you can talk to her directly, and to do it with this
> deliberately 
>>>> insulting
>>>> polemic, smacks of whispering behind your hand to me.  It's 
>>>> disrespectful
>>>> and cowardly, not to mention catty as hell.
>>> <<Catty?  Isn't that a sexist term?  If I was a woman, I might be
> insulted.
>>> Maybe I came to you guys first instead of insulting her.  So if I
> was wrong I could be set straight.  Very well.
>>> Nobody calls out The Notorious BIG of SF.  See my email to her.>>
>>> One of the first threads I participated in when I got here was on
> a 
>>> thread where someone asked what Steven Barnes needed to do
> to "get to 
>>> the next level."
>>> I said my piece...and then we had a long discussion about it.
>>> After a while I realized that it was foolish for me to talk
> about 
>>> Barnes HERE...and not do so to HIM (http://darkush.blogspot.com
> for 
>>> those interested).  For two reasons.  The first is that many
> people 
>>> who participated didn't read the work under question, and
> probably 
>>> HAVEN'T read his stuff.  But the other reason is stated above by 
>>> Nora.  Barnes is not only NOT dead, but he's incredibly
> accessible.
>>> Chris I know you were provocative to create the context for 
>>> discussion, but the "it takes too much" argument is a very weak
> one.  
>>> If I could do it with Barnes, then you should be able to do it
> with 
>>> Nalo.
>>> peace
>>> lks
>>> <<You guys souped me up until I took the bait.  If the heavens
> fall you have only yourselves to blame.  It took too much.  But I
> found an email address for her that didn't.
>>> Now the fur will fly.>>
>>> Chris
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