Dody Suria Wijaya wrote:
how about implementing dialog window, filled with list of filename (no full path) of the buffers, just like in Visual Studio .NET's Alt-W-W (Window-Windows). It's pretty handy when you had this 50+ buffers opened at a time, and you know the file's name, and you just want to switch to that buffer with simple blind typing on keyboard, no matter what the buffers order, or even the z-order (if you use my scite1.66 with z-order at - lol).

I attached what the list look like in Note that since the filename is on the first column, I could type letter by letter, and the list selection would jump to given typed word (just like find inline), which i'm sure, is the default behaviour for a list control, at least in win32.

Perhaps something like this screenshot:

This is an old project of mine, which I exposed back to 2004:

Alas, I didn't made much progress, having much more urgent to do, and actually not feeling so much need... This is useful in Visual Studio 6, which has no tabs, but I get used to tabs, even if, like you, sometime I feel hard to find back the file I want in three rows of tabs...

I have not implemented your "type first letters of filename to find it", the current behaviour is "type the buffer number to select it", since this is the first column of the listview.

You can sort the list by buffer number, name, path, extension...
The "Activate buffer" option works, with button or double click on filename, you can select several files, but you cannot yet close them or save them. I was kind of stuck by (lack of time +) the incapacity, at the time, of SciTE to do such operations without switching first to the wanted buffer. It can now (or at least, it can simulate it), so I should rework on it.
I wish to add also the capability to reorder buffers.

You can play with my version of SciTE, I just uploaded it on my site: ; file:

Philippe Lhoste
--  (near) Paris -- France
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