Julian Herten-Greaven wrote:
That's an interesting solution. Mind you, I haven't been able to export to that format. I'm using SciTE 1.65.

The SXW exporter is in Lua and rather slow (tolerable on a fast PC), but it works and it has many options. Check out:

A similar solution is that one can also export to HTML, then print in IE with the appropriate headers, but somehow I've not been able to export with line numbers -- can this be done with HTML like with XML?

OpenOffice 1.x has a menu option to set line numbering. It's very easy to use. Footers can be created with a few mouse clicks. If you want them permanently, you can edit the Lua script so that you get a doc with the correct headers, footers, style and line numbering exported immediately.

The nice thing about SXW/ODT is that if you have something in Unicode, a powerful XML-based document format does save a heck of a lot of trouble. A bit of tweaking and you have something nice and ready-to-print.

On the other hand, if you want to work with basic XML, you might have to be comfortable with XML-transformation tools and you might also need to write some XSLT to get FOs (or something like that.)

Kein-Hong Man (esq.)
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
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