Julian Herten-Greaven:

> Personally, I think the printing subsystem should allow for a more ample
> inclusion of variables, and a lot more flexibility in the print output. I'm
> quite surprised to learn the only way to get scite to change its output
> format is to -ahem- recompile the application(?) Isn't that a little extreme
> for, say, changing a little formatting? I mean, for binary formats like PDF,
> okay.. since binary is considered one way or another.. but HTML or RTF?
> Shouldn't text-based output formats be templated instead of hard-coded? Make
> a properties page.. simple, compact.. optional.

   Possibly, but I can't see how to do this. You may have a particular
level of generality in mind. If the template language gains
conditional and looping constructs you may as well use a general
purpose programming language or rely on an external formatter.

   By using Lua to script exporters, Kein-Hong has provided the
ability to modify the formats exported without  recompiling. They seem
reasonably popular with 140 downloads of the current version: may be
an idea to have a bit more blurb and maybe some screenshots.

> I looked into what it would take to compile a version of SciTE for myself..
> and it would seem to be pretty straight-forward.. will it take more than
> downloading the MingW package with GCC, assuming everything in downloaded
> and installed correctly? I'm willing to do the extra work to spruce up what
> I can.. with the approval of others of course.

   The full Mingw package is sufficient.


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