Chachereau Nicolas:

I think we should decide in which way SciTE reacts when it is
sent a message. I think SciTE should be raised above the other
windows in some cases, like:
  find:, goto:, insert:, loadsession:, macrocommand:,
  macrolist:, menucommand:, open:, output:, replaceall:

  Fronting windows with insufficient reason became such a problem on
Windows that recent versions of Windows try to stop applications
fronting themselves except in particular cases. SciTE should not be
fronted by default for most of these commands as they damage use cases
where SciTE is being controlled by a foreground application that wants
to retain focus over a sequence of actions.

How strict should we be about the "closing:" message? If there
are any unsaved files, and the user cancels the quit, should
SciTE send a message to tell the director it didn't quit? Or
should it be impossible for the user to cancel a quit when the
director is closing?

  There should probably be an alternative command for one or the
other since it depends on the controlling application.

I don't really like the assumption that a process can only
communicate with SciTE if it started it. I think a process
should be able to become a director even after SciTE started.

  Say you have a director application along with SciTE instances
attached to it. You don't want the director to interfere with SciTE
instances that you (or another director) started independently.

To achieve this, we may have to change the method we use for IPC.

  Most of my thinking about the director interface was on Windows
where WM_COPYDATA can be broadcast to all windows or sent to one in

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