Roy Wood wrote:
>I'm the author of scitepm, so thanks for the nice words.  :-)
>I'm very happy to modify scitepm to work with whatever IPC strategy
>you guys want to set up in scite.  The code in scitepm is very clean,
>and implementing the required changes would be a snap.  Just let me
>know what the final interface is going to be.

Hey, nice to hear of you. I think you won't have to modify anything,
at least not in terms of IPC... I was reluctant to keep pipes at
first, but now I think I'll go along with Steve's implementation.
Besides, I'm more or less done implementing the single instance code
using director messages through the new pipe system.

>Oh-- and as far as window focus goes, it would be nice to be able to
>request for scite to front itself.  I discussed that with Neil about a
>year ago, and he was interested in the idea, but I never got around to
>submitting a patch....

That's the next thing on my todo list, and I already have some pointers.
Basically we need to call gtk_window_present() but there is some stuff
with timestamps - to ensure the window gets fronted unless it's
annoying for the user - that I've got to research. What would the
message be called? I'd propose "focus:"... any other or better ideas?


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