I'm interested in developing smartcard applications under Linux. I
follow the MUSCLE mailing list, but I am a bit of confused about the
current state of the project. Looking at the Web pages didn't help me
a lot. Maybe somebody of you finds some time to answer my
questions. Thanx!

Has somebody thought of developing a tool that could help a programmer 
test & debug his smartcard programs... I think of something that helps 
you create APDUs, logs the answers, name & save APDUs,... The Xcard
utility doesn't do that, or am I wrong? Of course, this tool should be 
build on top of the resource manager & PC/SC framework.

The Schlumberger kit supplies something similar under Windows. Does it 
also under Linux? I think there is only the mksolo utility available?

Is the MUSCLE project ready so that someone (mayebe me?) could take on 
the effort developing a tool like that? I haven't installed & tried
MUSCLE yet, but I would like to. I'm just not sure how far I can get
with it.

Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

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