The MUSCLE PC/SC should be ready in about 2 weeks for Application development.
I will be writing a quick ICCSP for a generic ISO-7816-4 card with no crypto
services available.  This will compile directly on the Resource Manager until
the RPC stuff is finished which I'm guessing will be done by Christmas.  In the
meantime you could write your application on top of the current stuff that is
available by talking through the function SCARDCOMM::Transmit() which allows
you to send bare APDU's directly to the card.  Since your application does not
rely on a specific card this would be fine and the PC/SC Resource Manager would
take care of reader dependencies.


David Corcoran                   Internet Security/Smartcards

Work:                            School:
205 Industrial Blvd              2252 US Highway 52 West Apt C4
Sugar Land, TX 77478             West Lafayette, IN 47906

  If it's a hobby for us and a job for you, then why are you doing
    such a shoddy job (Microsoft) ? ~ Linus Torvalds

  If you can't make it work, at least make it look good.
    ~ Bill Gates
Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

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