Hi Harald!

This is a message i just received from the OpenCard mailing list
(www.opencard.org). Maybe it could help you with the Litronic 210
reader. The Card Terminal Driver provided by ITPlus are pure java using
javax.comm package.

good luck


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [OCF] Litronic 210 pure java CardTerminal
Date: Wed, 09 Dec 1998 10:32:56 +0100
From: Søren Hilmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The new version of our Litronic 210 CardTerminal, is now ready for
download at our site www.itplus.dk, then select the product bean
at the bottom (the third from the left), the CardTerminal is the last 
on list.

Here is an excerpt from the readme.txt file:

New and notable in the 1.1 version
a) Support for cards using the inverse convention.
b) The ATR is now, read properly (the earlier version relied on reader
timeout as the signal for ATR completion)
c) Writing to the card has been considerably speeded up
d) Better recovering after tearing the card in middle of conversations
e) Better timeout handling.
f) More stable.
g) Now complies to Opencard 1.1

Søren Hilmer - Project Manager

IT+ A/S                                 Phone:  +45 86 20 20 00
Science Park Aarhus                     Fax:    +45 86 20 12 22   
Gustav Wieds vej 10                     Direct: +45 86 20 20 11 - 6053
8000 Aarhus C                           Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Denmark                                 WWW:    http://www.itplus.dk 
Visit the OpenCard Framework's WWW site at http://www.opencard.org/ for
access to documentation, code, presentations, and OCF announcements.
To unsubscribe from the OCF Mailing list, send a mail to
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David Corcoran                   Internet Security/Smartcards

Work:                            School:
205 Industrial Blvd              2252 US Highway 52 West Apt C4
Sugar Land, TX 77478             West Lafayette, IN 47906

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    such a shoddy job (Microsoft) ? ~ Linus Torvalds

  If you can't make it work, at least make it look good.
    ~ Bill Gates
Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

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