Title: Help where do I find cardlet loaders for linux?

I am thinking about buying some smartcard reader, possibly one from Schlumberger or Gemplus, as well as some JavaCards from one of them again.

My problem is that I do not want to spend too much money buying the SDK's as well, and I thought that may be there are some carldlet loaders for these cards on Linux. Something like the MakeSolo from Schlumberger but specific for Linux and free-software.

By the way what is best Schlumberger or Gemplus? I guess for the JavaCard Gemplus is best because is JavaCard 2.1 compliant while Schlumberger is still 2.0

Thank you,

Juan Olmedilla-Arregui
7U12 Succession Network OAM&P Development
ESN: 590 - 4022
Tel: +44 (0)1628 43 4022

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