
The iKey should work fine under Linux with pcsc-lite.  Basically, the
pcscusb user space USB daemon would notify pcsc that this device is
inserted.  The driver would then be responsible for making it look like a
reader/card.  Therefore it would always return ICC is present, powered,
protocol is fine.  It may have to return a bogus ATR to make pcscd happy
and to allow the application to identify it.

Since the USB API's have finally stabilized under Linux there will be alot
more devices supported.  These will not be kernel devices but user space
USB drivers.
They will be loaded/unloaded through the match of vendor/product id which
will be stored in a bundle like fine similar to OS X  ( I will have to
write a simple parser to grep out these values )

Ideally, I would like to use the same driver package across all platforms.
A CFBundle in the OS X world is basically a driver with some resources (an
XML document which has vendor/prod id, ifdFriendlyName, protocols
supported, ...)

It looks like this:


Currently only the Mac OS directory exists but Linux, Solaris .... could
all exist and so you would distribute one package which contains multiple
drivers for different platforms - which vary only by that shared object.
The Info.plist contains the XML document.  The drivers will vary only from
platform at the lowest level USB API's openPipe, readPipe, writePipe ...

No more /etc/reader.conf (unless you want it)
To install a driver just drop it into /usr/local/pcsc/drivers folder or
whereever (priveledged account owned directory) and pcscd will be notified
of it if it is inserted.  You don't do anything, just drag and drop, the
device will be identified by INfo.plist.

Hope this better explains the route to USB on Linux.  pcsc-lite already has
USB support built into it but the only USB smartcard reader drivers exist
only on OS X currently.

Best Regards,

David Corcoran                                  Purdue University
1008 Cherry Lane
West Lafayette, IN 47906
765 - 427 - 5147                                http://www.linuxnet.com

Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

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