On Wed, Sep 27, 2000 at 04:25:51AM -0500, David Corcoran wrote:
> Currently only the Mac OS directory exists but Linux, Solaris .... could
> all exist and so you would distribute one package which contains multiple
> drivers for different platforms - which vary only by that shared object.
> The Info.plist contains the XML document.  The drivers will vary only from
> platform at the lowest level USB API's openPipe, readPipe, writePipe ...
> etc.
> No more /etc/reader.conf (unless you want it)
> To install a driver just drop it into /usr/local/pcsc/drivers folder or
> whereever (priveledged account owned directory) and pcscd will be notified
> of it if it is inserted.  You don't do anything, just drag and drop, the
> device will be identified by INfo.plist.
> Hope this better explains the route to USB on Linux.  pcsc-lite already has
> USB support built into it but the only USB smartcard reader drivers exist
> only on OS X currently.

Hello David,
I was wondering if you have any code relating to USB card drivers. I
am experimenting with a Rainbow iKey 2000 and am not really sure where
to start. If you have any code (even on OS X) I would really
appreciate a look at it. Frankly, I'm not too sure where to go with
it. I'm willing to pay my dues shooting in the dark with this thing
because the product is really neat. Any direction you can give me
would be great, even if it's just some source files.

Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

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