Is it possible in windows to share the same folder as 2 different names? Because currently my viewstore is at c:\viewstore1, but is shared as "cc_vws1". I cannot change this, because this is how ClearCase is installed on our machines, but if there would be a way to also share this folder as "viewstore", then that would solve the problem.


2005/12/6, Wim Deblauwe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I'm afraid not, with us, it is at \\${hostname}\cc_vws1 :(



2005/12/6, dan tran < [EMAIL PROTECTED] >:
I think you can safely assume that on
  windows:   viewstore is at \\${hostname}\viewstore
  unix          viewstore is at /viewstore
Those should be the default value if view store value are not found any where.

On 12/5/05, Wim Deblauwe <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
Yes, it is quite simple:


I would read this from ~/.scm/clearcase-settings.xml

If you could help me underway, it would be very much appriciated.



2005/12/5, Emmanuel Venisse <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >:
Do you have a sample of a xml file you want to read?


Wim Deblauwe a écrit :
> ClearCase support is ok for maven-release-plugin, but not for Continuum.
> I can make it work tomorrow for Continuum by making the viewstore a
> plugin parameter and not being read from a settings xml file (I will
> need to learn Modello first).
> regards,
> Wim
> 2005/12/5, John Casey < [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] >>:
>     Hash: SHA1
>     Hi everyone,
>     I'd like to release 1.0-beta-2 of Maven SCM. It looks like we've got
>     ClearCase and Perforce support now, and IIRC there is some fixes for
>     update URL formatting, etc. At any rate, it'd be nice to be able to
>     include this in the next Maven and Continuum releases, which we're
>     hoping to push out this week.
>     I know it's sort of short notice, but I'd like to get a vote finalized
>     in the next 48 hours, to make the cut for Maven/Continuum releases.
>     Here's my +1.
>     Thanks,
>     John
>     -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
>     Version: GnuPG v1.2.6 (GNU/Linux)
>     iD4DBQFDlIW8K3h2CZwO/4URAmHPAJjIjw0hRHsH4M1vh4pIdVNvOkX5AJ9dvp+C
>     QIs9+8agaMZcs+uqXaacjQ==
>     =qiPO
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