At 07:26 PM 10/6/2000 -0700, you wrote:
>I'm seeking advice from fiddlers:  I've heard that all "cuts" should begin
on a down bow.  Is that good advice and is it always true?  When inserting
a cut I do seem to think it is easiest to begin on a down bow.  However...
I'm playing around with bowings in the tune 'Crossing the Minch' (aka
'McNabb's Hornpipe') and seem to think that it's easiest to slur the two
eighth notes prior to the cut on a down bow (to give emphasis to the first
note and soften the tune a bit) and then begin the cut on an up bow.  It
seems to work and I'm getting good speed on it.  Any bowing advice from
anyone familiar with this tune?
>Dianne Anderson

        Since I just caught up on this, and will come back to it later 
when I'm not rushing out the door, let me first ask, what style do you 
play? There are going to be *some* differences (as you've already seen) 
depending on the answer to that question. 

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