> One organization here in the States advertises the "actual" tempo of reels at
> 130-140 per half note/minim. Ignoring the fact that these settings are not on
> the standard metronome, is that lightening fast or what? Can our fiddlers
> really play reels that fast? Can people dance that fast??

I'm pretty sure this organization is the Scottish Harp Society of America.  I
checked SHSA's online rules and found that the complete rules listed the
tempo range at 130-140.  However, the abridged rules (which are supposed to
be more competitor-friendly) listed the range as 90-130.

I checked with SHSA's competition committee and they feel the 90-130 tempo
range should be used, *not* the 130-140 range.  They were at a loss as to
where the higher range came from, as well.

The only thing that makes sense is that I, as the SHSA's website person,
botched the editing of the text rules into HTML.  Mea culpa.

I don't know how this happened, but I apologize to you Cynthia (and anyone
else bothered by the faster tempos) for any heartache and finger-stress I
caused you in trying to match these higher tempos.

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