If you're going to send the whole song  off list, please include me.  
There was a chap at college who sang it, but I could never pin him 
down to write out the words, but have been looking ever since. 
Thanks -- Tom

> From: Wayne Morrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2003/02/03 Mon PM 04:01:36 CST
> Subject: [scots-l] re: We're No Awa Tae Bide Awa
> > Wayne, could you write out the whole song? Who is Dave 
Forrest? My mother was
> > a Forrest and we're her little plantations. Of course in those 
days we wood
> > always be in trouble with the copse. I'll get me coat...
> I'll send this to you off-list.  I don't know who Dave Forrest is, other 
> that he's a friend of Tom's.  I went looking for him once, but 
couldn't find
> him what with all the trrees.
> > Is this the same Tom Smith who played mandola with Shegui?
> This Tom Smith plays mandola, so they're bound to be the same 
person.  After
> all, how many mandola-playing Tom Smiths can there be in the 
> I'm pretty sure Tom used to play with Craobh Rua.  I've mostly 
heard him
> playing lately with Watkin Lees and Jim Byrne.
>                               Wayne
> Posted to Scots-L - The Traditional Scottish Music & Culture List - 
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Tom Hall  --  Master Wordworker  
and Intellectual Handyman

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