Jack Campin wrote:

> I would need books to answer most of those (especially number 10)...

Surely not? Anyway, it's early yet, but it may be that this time around
the questions are too hard. Perhaps answers should now be accepted one
at a time. Who knows, it may even provoke some discussion on Scots-L!
OK, perhaps I'm hoping for too much.

> ...I suspect the answer you're going to give to this one is the wrong
> way round:

> > Finally, what are the original Scottish tunes on which the following
> > are based:
> > 20. The Gallowglass (Ireland)

> Surely it's more likely that the Irish jig (or perhaps a march version
> thereof) came first?

Why do you say that? In order for a discussion to ensue, I ought to say
that the tune in question is "Niel Gow's Lament for his Brother."

Nigel Gatherer, Crieff, Scotland

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