On Mon, 9 Aug 2004, Cynthia Cathcart wrote:

> expect it, I can't *find* anything when I go to look for her. So, any 
> help...direction...a book reference...an obscure website...would be 
> appreciated. I don't even know her dates or where she lived.

I found that a search with Google's Advanced Search, using "Gilchrist" 
in the ALL block and in the Exact Phrase Block "Journal of the Folk
Song Society", will elicit many items giving citations of Annie Geddes
Gilchrist articles in the Journal. Also, you might try putting in JFSS
or JFDSS(after they amalgamated with the Dance Society) .

I thought the most interesting was what she said about the First
Nowell, in this url:

Lots of wonderful reading.

Thanks Cynthia for reminding us of this wonderful person.

        Bidh mi 'gad fhaicinn!!!

        IWK Children's Hospital Telethon - June 5th & 6th, 2004
           $4.19 Million for 2004 - Can we do better? I bet!!

 <<<<<   Thig Ar Latha.  >>>>>

 George / Seo\ras Seto

 e-mail address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  <- Main
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 url: http://www.geocities.com/george_seto.geo         | My stuff
 url: http://www.corvuscorax.org:8080/~gseto/creighton | Helen Creighton

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