Nigel Gatherer wrote:
| Bev Lawton wrote:
| > I am particularily looking for ABC's of  J. Scott Skinner
| Not many, I'm afraid, but you'll see part of my Skinner ABC selection at
| There are currently 22 tunes there. There are also more than 700 other
| tunes, mostly Scottish, but some Irish, American and other tunes too, at

My Skinner collection is at:

I have only about 40 of his tunes in abc,  some  transcribed  by  me,
some taken from this list or a few others.

Maybe we need a "Skinner Project" like some of the others, to get all
of  his  tunes  into  abc  form.   Of  course, there may be copyright
problems with some of them.

You might take a look at,  which
has  scanned  images  of  his  handwritten  manuscripts.  The page at is the  root  of  this
part  of the collection.  They're quite readable.  I'd bet that if we
asked them,  they  would  approve  of  us  doing  a  "scholarly"  abc
transcription  of  the music, and they might even give it a permanent
home online.  (I could collect them on my site in the meantime.)

Maybe I should send them a message suggesting such a project, and see
what their reaction might be.

And, of course, if anyone posts any Skinner tunes in abc  here,  I'll
be  one  of the many who would nab them and stick them into my online
Skinner directory.  Be sure to include  a  "C:J.S.Skinner"  line,  of
course, maybe spelled out a bit more if you like.

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