In previous years we have always gone for the Thursday before, although
there has often been an additional, informal, meet on one of the other

I am not a student, but will be spending my Christmas day in Yorkshire,
with my family. Had I been spending it in Glasgow, I think my wife would
still have banned me from attending a SLUG meet. (women!)

Ben Thorp

                      Kyle Gordon                                                      
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>           To:       ScotLUG Mailing List 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                      
                      Sent by:                        cc:                              
                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]        Subject:  Re: [Scottish] Next Meeting   
                      09-12-03 01:11                                                   
                      Please respond to                                                
                      ScotLUG Mailing List                                             


The student factor wasn't the main reason for the asking of this question,
but was raised when I asked about this issue in #scotlug. The main reason I
asked, is because I assumed that most people would be elsewhere on
Christmas Day, and have other things to do than come along to a LUG

Maybe I'm wrong in thinking that most people spend time with
family/friends/relatives on Christmas Day, but if they do then there isn't
much point in having a LUG meeting on that day. Thankfully I'm not at work
on the day, but will be spending time at relatives, so count me out (not
that I ever come along to the monthly pub trip^W^Wmeet now anyway)



Tony Dyer wrote:
> How about we leave it at the last Thursday of the month. This LUG caters
> for more than students!
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