Best Regards
Willie Fleming
--- Begin Message --- i'll knock up a quick howto, as i have plenty of time on my hands. also i think there are free java applets that could be added to the website and set to automagically join the scotlug channel. if anyone is interested in that i'll look into it, i know a few places have that, or maybe a CGi script or something, i dunno.


OK two suggestions -- non IRC folk, please consider joining in if at all
I suppose a mini HOWTO is called for here but for now....
1) get a client - mIRC is good for starters if you are just beginning cos it
is a Win prog and effectively free for 30 days - I won't presume to suggest a
Linux client but I'd be surprised if there isnt one installed by default with
your distro.

2) point it at eu.freenode.net -- yes there _are_ alternatives, this will
get you started.

3) join #scotlug

4) Have a lot of fun -- and dont be scared to jump in with the boots on and
ask for help, advice whatever.

-- Best Regards Willie Fleming

Scottish mailing list

--- End Message ---
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