On Saturday 03 January 2004 02:09, Rob Lazzurs wrote:
> Just IMHO, however I think you only have to have a look at the LUG
> through in Edinbugger to find out why this is a bad idea.  Sorry for
> coming into this thread so late, I have been stuck on a windows machine
> and I have just finally edited my muttrc to my liking again (usually I
> use the most excellent evolution)
> Take care - RL
Is Edlug currently tied up in commitee wars? 
I must try to get through to some more Edlug meetings, I enjoyed the couple 
that I did get to.

If we do have a committee, it will take some thick-skinned and determined folk 
on that committee to keep it running right. Organising geeks is like herding 
cats (apologies to whoever I stole that line off). We all think we are bright 
enough to think we know better and we will all have differeent ideas n 
direction and emphasis of anything we choose to do.

That doesnt mean we shouldnt have  sub-groups ( I hesitate to call them 
committees) for those interested in advocacy or Installdays or whatever.
I'd like to hear a list of suggestions for sub-groups if anyone has any 

Whether those sub-groups have themselves any kind of mutually agreed formal 
structure would be up to them.
However from this we could have a mutually recognised ScotLUG spokesperson on 
advocacy for example.
Just thinking out loud, keep kicking it around and we'll see what falls out. 
Best Regards
Willie Fleming

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