Riku Voipio wrote:
You are attempting to work around a issue: dh-consoledata is
broken in debian devkit. Either you can fix console-data build rule,
or you can just remove /scratchbox/devkits/debian/deb_list/console-common.
In general current system should match sarge, and if it doesn't it's
a bug.
I tried to remove /scratchbox/devkits/debian/deb_list/console-common,
but this just leads to a cascade of problems. Then, the package
dh-consoledata is not installable, since it has a dependency on
debhelper, which is not installed from the viewpoint of apt-get (since
it is also provided by the debian devkit and apt has no record of it as
installed). The debhelper package in turn should I try to replace it
would be dependent on several more packages (such as dpkg-dev, cpio,
etc, which in turn have install dependencies on nasty things like
binutils). Essentially it looks like all of the stuff the debian devkit
provides would need to be built and made to replace those pieces to
satisfy the cascade of dependencies (if that is even possible), since
all the stuff in the devkit is unknown to apt-get, and therefore cannot
satisfy install dependencies of packages being installed. Is there a
way around this?
This leaves me with three choices and I'd like to get a read on where
best to place my efforts.
1. Try to fix the debian devkit. Is this actively being supported at
this point for such fixes? How hard could I expect this to be?
2. Try to work around the problem. I was confused by your suggestion to
fix the console-data build rule, do you think I can avoid using
dh-consoledata and still build the console-data package (or what I would
commonly need of it)?
3. Pour my efforts into scratchbox2. From the link you provided, it
looks like SB2 development is coming along pretty well, but as you
pointed out is not yet ready to build Debian packages or install target
libraries. From the lack of a chroot environment in SB2, this effort
looks a lot more like the emdebian approach (http://www.emdebian.org/)
Is that a fair assesment, or am I missing something obvious on how SB2
is meant to work?
-Jim Heck
This is exactly something that scratchbox2 [1] should make possible.
Or actually better, you don't need to _avoid_ host tools in order
to select your preferred host tools versions. You can just install
the version you want. Currently sbox2 can build applications
(./configure ; make ; make install) , however nobody has written
enough remapping rules to build .deb:s (should be easy) or install
target libraries with apt-get (a more tricky problem). I suggest you
take a closer look, sbox2 is much smaller and easier to grasp than
1.x series. The only hard part is the remapping engine.
[1] http://rahina.org/sb2/
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