On Tue, 30 Mar 2010 19:50:35 +0200, ext Bin Wang <binziw...@gmail.com> writes:

> "sb2 qmake" seems doing the trick. I guess "-eR" is needed when installing
> pre-built packages. And it is not needed when just doing cross-compilation. Is
> this correct understanding?

Yes, "sb2 -e" is needed, when you want some kind of "emulation" of the
target's FS.  From the man page: "Use emulation mode, avoid executing
any host binaries except qemu."  This means that it will not map and try
to find gcc, linker, etc. from the host.  Which is good if you are
trying to just run an already compiled program.

-R is about using fakeroot, so you will be able to modify locations
which are normally read-only in emalation mode.  Of course, apt-get
needs this, because it installs stuff.

er...@lisa:~ $ sb2 -e mkdir /x
mkdir: cannot create directory `/x': Read-only file system
Exit status: 1
er...@lisa:~ $ sb2 -eR mkdir /x
er...@lisa:~ $ sb2 -e rmdir /x
rmdir: /x: Read-only file system
Exit status: 1
er...@lisa:~ $ sb2 -eR rmdir /x

For cross-compilation in one of your own directories inside your home,
`sb2 command' should be enough.

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