On Dec 17, 2010, at 9:55 AM, ext Vaclav Barta wrote:


I have a Perl module, which uses Perl internals and doesn't use them right on
big-endian platforms (see
Compare-0.12;field=conf%3Abyteorder for details). Since I don't have big-endian hardware, I'd like to debug the problem under a simulator, and scratchbox seems like it should be able to do it - almost... I tried ARM emulation for Maemo (which I had lying around from a previous project), only to find out that the L in FREMANTLE_ARMEL apparently stands for little endian :-) (and, on a more positive note, that the emulation can compile perl, at least 5.8, which should be enough)... So, what is the best (simplest to install, most stable)
scratchbox toolchain for a big-endian platform?

Compiling perl modules with scratchbox is possible, but not too easy nor straightforward.

With scratchbox 1 one has to do special tricks when compiling perl modules (I assume that you are using SB1, as you refer to fremantle) and with SB2 it is one of those things that can't be done with the "simple" mode (there "accel" and "devel" modes should handle the trickery automatically, but I don't know any complete SB2-based big- endian SDKs)

The safest & simplest solution in this case is probably to use Qemu in full-system mode with a big-endian complete Linux distro. Slow, but safe.

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