you can try one of the livecdScratchbox(I)Toolkit which do contain armeb
(the very 1st scratchboxLivecd_armeb was created in 2006 ;implementation
on lightweight distro-damn small linux,puppy...)in 2009; it had been
used by Luca Makura for his students)

ToySbox-ScratchboxLivecd | Get ToySbox-ScratchboxLivecd at

It had been successfully run with "nslu2" under both emulation
mode :qemu and sbrshCpuTransparency 

Even being considered old_obsolete,it still handle useful jobs 

If you want more uptodate armeb emulation try aboriginalLinux (earlier
called FirmwareLinux ) from Rob Landley


On Fri, 2010-12-17 at 08:55 +0100, Vaclav Barta wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a Perl module, which uses Perl internals and doesn't use them right on 
> big-endian platforms (see 
> http://analysis.cpantesters.org/reports_by_field?distv=Regexp-
> Compare-0.12;field=conf%3Abyteorder for details). Since I don't have 
> big-endian 
> hardware, I'd like to debug the problem under a simulator, and scratchbox 
> seems like it should be able to do it - almost... I tried ARM emulation for 
> Maemo (which I had lying around from a previous project), only to find out 
> that 
> the L in FREMANTLE_ARMEL apparently stands for little endian :-) (and, on a 
> more positive note, that the emulation can compile perl, at least 5.8, which 
> should be enough)... So, what is the best (simplest to install, most stable) 
> scratchbox toolchain for a big-endian platform? 
>       Bye
>               Vasek
> --
> http://www.mangrove.cz/
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