Hi All,

Today two new versions went to the public git repository:

Version 2.2.4 is maintenance release. It adds the patches posted by RafaƂ Krypa 
in March, even older patches from Riku Voipio, and some small enhancements from 
the 2.3_development branch to the "stable" version of Scratchbox2.

There is one new important feature: Support for running host's static binaries 
with Qemu. As fas as I know, that feature was implemented at Samsung and is 
used in the version of SB2 which Tizen is using [1].

Version 2.2.4 is available in gitorious.org [2],[3]. Please note that the 
source code repository URL is going to change in the near future: The word 
"maemo" is going to be dropped, but Scratchbox2 will stay in gitoriuos. Both 
the new and old URLs work currently. 

The other new release, 2.3.49, belongs to the development branch. Development 
of the next major version of Scratchbox2 has an been ongoing task since April 
2011. I'm happy to announce that we are not so far from the target anymore:

The 2.3_development branch is supposed to be in some kind of feature complete 
state now. At least I'm not planning to add more features, now it is mostly a 
matter of testing, cleaning up, and finalizing some unfinished internal 
improvements. N.B. "unfinished" does not mean it would be incomplete - the 2.3 
branch is/should be fully functional, but there is still some old code which 
needs to be replaced.

So what has been done for the upcoming 2.4 release?

There are some new features. The most important one is probably that SB2 does 
not anymore use the fakeroot utility for simulating super user privileges. 
Instead, it has an internal implementation which is more integrated to the 
sessions, and has more features, too (the details are in the manual page 
sb2(1), see section "virtual permissions")

2.4 will also have some support for building rpm packages (whereas versions up 
to 2.2.4 have only been used for building Debian-style packages): The Mer 
project is now using SB2 with their OBS (Open Build System) [4]. Mer is a Linux 
distro which uses rpm packaging [5].

Additionally, there are lots of internal improvements for better performance 
and scalability. For a list of focus areas, see "README_2.3_development" in the 
source directory; check out the "2.3_development" branch from the git 
repository [3].



[1] SB2 in Tizen: https://source.tizen.org/platform_sbs_introduction.html 
[2] Old source repository URL: http://maemo.gitorious.org/scratchbox2
[3] New source repository URL: http://www.gitorious.org/scratchbox2 or just 
[4] SB2+OBS: http://wiki.merproject.org/wiki/SB2
[5] The Mer project: http://www.merproject.org/

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