On Apr 19, 2012, at 12:42 AM, ext tuxor1...@web.de wrote:

>> How can I specified the correct path for my library?
> Interesting question! I was also wondering about how to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH 
> to a certain value.

LD_LIBRARY_PATH gets special treatment. Because complete operation of SB2 is 
based on a preload library, LD_LIBRARY_PATH (and LD_PRELOAD, too) are needed 

But it has been taken into account that the user might have other requirements 
for LD_LIBRARY_PATH; therefore SB2 does some invisible changes to that variable 
before and after execs.

What you see in the user-visible environment is the user's LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and 
then there is a separate SB2's LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

SB2 combines those two for the real exec calls, but it also hides what is 
actually used.

Note that by default there is no user's LD_LIBRARY_PATH in the environment for 
a session. The session won't inherit it from outside. but you can set it inside 
the session.

>  Changing it with sb2-config will break my whole scratchbox environment 
> (unsetenv helps here, of course).

Yes, that seems to be a bug. "sb2-config setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH=..." causes 
problems at startup (the bug is in sb2-monitor, related to option -e)

As a workaround, set LD_LIBRARY_PATH inside the session.

> This shell script doesn't work either:
> #!/bin/bash
> $@

Does it help if you export LD_LIBRARY_PATH in that script? As there is no 
user's LD_LIBRARY_PATH in the environment by default, your assignment in the 
script does not change the environment. It only sets a local shell variable 
which doesn't affect anything.

I just tested these things, and LD_LIBRARY_PATH features still work in 2.3.54.


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