no matter who you are or what label you're on, if you
want to reccord new songs, the label is going to want
to hear what you plan to record.. they want to know
what they're fixing to pay for.. so, whether or not
they were "shopping around" a demo is irrelevant..
there has got to be some demo of the new stuff out
there somewhere.. work tapes, whatever.. oh, and if it
hasn't been mentioned yet, there' s a band on time
bomb calle No Knife that you should all check out..
new album is called "fire in the city of the
automatons".. good stuff.

--- "charles wagner." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> blah blah blah I'm glad the list is back.
> Am I the only one who thinks that they really needed
> "How it Feels to be 
> Something on" to be on the live album?
> I forget who posted it, but I agree: I don't think
> they'd need a demo tape.
> Am I the only one who thinks it's weird that SDRE is
> now owned by AOL?
> I agree with Matt, go see Magnolia.
> charles. = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ..wagner = AOLIM TheMadLord
> .theory. =
> = Engine Kid, "Angel Wings"
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